I'm 40 and I play Overwatch


Old man fist bump :fist: :+1: If I may suggest an alternative: Rapida. She does funny videos as well with really good editting. At the end of every video she also finishes with pwn gameplays but the funny chapters are the best imo.

Old man fist bump for you too :fist: :+1:

And for you old man fist bump :fist: :+1:

Thank you very much for that! :heart:


The fact that you are using the Life is Strange OST for your intro just shows you are a player with taste :+1:Great job on this btw, gave me a smile needed.


Nice somebody recognizes the song, LiS has so much good music. Glad it made you smile and thank you! Much appreciated :heart:

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This was awesome, deserves way more likes. I can definitely see how it would’ve taken a lot of time to put all of this together… there are a lot of nice little touches in there.

I legitimately laughed out loud at the part where soldier was standing in the choke watching the moira orb bounce up and down lol

Also, you had some great plays, I like the way the “PWN” section was edited and put together… nice work on it all.

I think it’s good enough that if you made a kid-safe edit blizzard would highlight it and show it off.


sometimes i wonder what i would be like if this game came out when i was 16. part of me thinks the same and no difference but im kidding myself and i still believe i have the reflexes of a young man :grin:


Thank you so much for this. The way you describe the details/scenes honestly makes making something like this worth the effort :heart: :heart:

Yep that’s something that occasionally crossed my mind too. Even though I’m still playing in a objectively higher than average tier according to this graph (Competitive Mode Tier Distribution), I sometimes wonder what have could been :stuck_out_tongue: Then again, I know that in my current state i’m a lot slower than i used to be. But hey, you can’t beat biology and to be fair, us oldies can make up for alot with brains and experience (I’m using the term ‘brains’ lightly here considering my ‘being stupid’ chapter :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: )


Hey, what about me! I’m old too!


We shall be the Fellowship of Old Fossils.


I was 10 when I first bought overwatch, “in disk” form.

I’m 16 now.



I was in eighth grade when I got my first gaming system… an Atari 2600 in 1978… bunch of kids in here :wink:

57 with at least 150 ms reaction time… I’m hanging on…


wait seriously, what? OW was sold on a CD? You could buy it in a store? I was not at all aware of this lol


Yep. I did such by mistake. Hence I have 2 accounts like a newb going PSN to PC. While I later eventually purchased my actual PC which was exclusively HDD.

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My one-time reflexes are still super-human, but sustained APM has taken a nosedive, lol.


Yeah really seriously. As a fellow over the hill grandfather gamer w/ a walker I laughed at the mishaps then got psyched to play the Game once AGAIN !! :soon: ™ ®
GG :fist:


This video is great.
Lots of zooms & edits & lots of old memes that were popular in the old Overwatch montage era from 2016 & 2017.

Those were the good old days.
On to new beginnings, especially with PvE modes, starting with the new Junkenstein!

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Pretty damn good, well done.

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I bought Overwatch when i was 16 and im 20 now :laughing:

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I’m only a few seconds in but you already get a like for using the LIS music.

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born in 1984. We can be friends


Cheers to all my fellow overwatchers who know what it was like to live in a time before cellphones/internet. Playing outside just hit different in those days.


I was lucky enough to be a kid during the snes golden age of rpgs