Ignoring everything rn, can we change this abt mercy

the HUD for when you dmg boost or heal someone, where the little hero icon is and ti shows their health bar? can you PLEASE increase the size of the health bar of the ally because for tanks specifically is incredibly difficult to quickly look at the health bar, figure out whether or not i should switch off of them or not, etc. its also quite hard to see for squishies as well. this was a complete downgrade from OW1 with the only improvement being that we can see what beam is on what hero. what i mean are these (prepare for nostalgia)

Overwatch 1

Overwatch 0.5

and i’m saying to just increase the bar because it is so tiny. we could always make it combined maybe like,


btw i made this in photoshop so its pretty crap, but this is literally all i want. i miss this health bar because it is so much easier to view


Maybe once the ui/ux designers and artistic department get a break from making the shop, skins, & BP their #1 priority they can revisit making the game experience fun for the players. :frowning:


ToeLover2023 though. :rofl:


yes i named my alt account that in 2022 i got the idea from a 2019 video :yum:

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What game? I don’t think I played it.

overwatch lmao, i liked watching sigma 1.0 videos bc of how broken he was

it was an unranked to GM with sigma

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God damn it. :laughing::laughing::laughing: Sigma was the first thing that popped into my head when I saw the name too.

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Will do, Toelover2023!

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forgot to reply to this, but LMAO and especially that Tyrone guy from the 2016 forums i believe? the one that was obsessed with trying to get the devs to reveal the female characters feet :sob::sob:

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