If you're gonna give us the support passive

kiriko should never lose that duel with her cooldowns up

and i mean never

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Widow with full support passive yes please.

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Or don’t give it at all because then what’s the point of a team based game with a support role?


See the thing is no support other than Brigitte can actually make the passive kick in, in combat situations without pulling out of combat

DPS and Tank heroes have abilities in their kits that would make it too easy to apply if it was the same as the support one.

Do you really want them to nerf Genji’s deflect for 30 hp?

supports are babied/ boosted it’s ridiculous. We should get the same health regen


How about this one.

Give a 200hp hero 40 heals per second instead of 15 to a 200hp character.

But a Tank can get as much as 140hps.

Giving more to tanks sounds broken with a hero like Sigma. 15 per second is more than enough already. It’s such a strong passive I wouldn’t mind if they scrapped it from supports all roles, entirely.

This sounds cool for Zenyatt mains because then their healing will mean a bit more, Tracer would go crazy.

Which means that there is only one other support, and if you’re busy fending off an attacker, they have to worry about you, as well as the dps and the tank.

If I’m being attacked as a dps, both supports are going to do fine at helping me, the tank and the other dps. 2 supports for 3 people.

As opposed to a support being attacked and then it’s 1 support for 4 people.

That being said, I’d rather see the passive gone entirely thanks and move the game back to 6v6 instead of this trite.

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It’s 10 seconds regardless which hero it is, to go from 1hp to full.

Sure, but only if the supports get another passive on top of this. Your way would mean every dps and tank has:

Their own passive when applicable
Their role passives
AND the support passives

And what do supports get? Why should they only have 1-2 when everyone else gets 2-4? Genji for example would have his wall climb, double jump, self heal, AND the dps role passive.

You say you want balanced and fair, but for that to happen, tanks and supports would need each others and the dps passives, and by that point, it would just make more sense to go back to before passives.

You can have dps passive, unneutered too. We’re generous like that.

i just dont see it…how the support passive makes them OP. sure, it allows them to heal, so they can keep helping their team (a.k.a YOU). If anything makes them OP its the damage abilities they gave supports. I’ve always maintained that supports should not have the damage they do, but alas, to keep people playing them, they have to be able to pew pew with the rest of them, because people were not happy playing the “healer”…so queue times were 20 + minutes. they solved the problem by giving tanks and support better dps.

however, ill gladly share the support passive with you, as long as they remove the existing dps passives. deal? no reason dps should have BOTH types of passive.


I want to equalize Popularity between Roles. (In a 1-2-2 proportion).

I am not looking for equal Impact per role.
That stopped being a thing in 2019, with the introduction of Role Queue.

And for the most part, it’s basically impossible to equalize Popularity and Impact.

So you have to choose one. And there’s a one correct answer for Role Queue.

So No, equalizing Impact is very much Not what I’m looking for. I am not looking for the devs to deliberately sabotage Role Queue, and lose a large fraction of the playerbase in doing so.

And people who want the devs to deliberately lose a large fraction of the playerbase, are not worth listening to.

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or in other words, flankers would no longer have to start from scratch when they get poked once by a sniper in junkertown, again, 99% of you forum dwellers either dont comprehend the big picture neither do you want to even think about it.

Nobody said they could???

kiriko, can tp anywhere in a 35 meter range
ana, is a poke hero, she is inherently safe in any long range map which spoiler alert, is like 80% of overwatch maps
and even if they did nerf genji’s deflect id be okay because the damn thing doesnt work anyway

…because dps overall is stronger in terms of 1v1 potential than supports are, there are exceptions to this rule, certain 1v1s will go in the supports favour, but supports need it way more, and considering DPS are still doing fine without it after support got it, this is just a flat out BIG buff to all dps heroes, if it was as strong as supports, there wouldnt be any reason a random widow couldnt just go flanking every fight and then just grapple away a little bit and heal up, then attack again.

The little healing dps can get is far more than enough

okay im done.

It’s all good, man. I can use the budget basement version of the passive just fine.

I mean. Practically any dps can 1v1 most of the support cast, if you had spent more than a few seconds reading my post you wouldve seen the “there are exceptions to this rule” which was right after that part :smiley:

Generally speaking, kiriko, bap, and zen are the main 1v1 supports, ana can somewhat 1v1, but will get folded in most scenarios unless shes at long range and the enemy has no long range weapons, lucio can somewhat 1v1, but has low enough damage output that most dps heroes again should be able to kill him.

If you cant kill mercy, moira, illari, or even ana and lucio as a dps player then its just a humongous skill issue :smiley:

Lifeweaver also has low enough damage output that you should be able to kill him, and brigitte is very easy to 1v1, as long as you dont actively try to give her the advantage :smiley:

How about give supports the walmart version along with everyone else? I’ve said for months that this thing is way too powerful :woman_shrugging:

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