If your tank doesn't counter swap

Easy solution well there’s 1 switch heros yourself

Option 2 hit the flank on Weaver I’m only partially joking hell hit the flank on anyone.

If they want heals they gotta follow your gameplan

Oh and trust me I’ve tried this linear style of just the average heal do damage play your role hard pocket someone into there counter in the straightest predictable line as possible, but somewhere along the line I discovered I actually like winning.


Good advice, but this forum of pepegas won’t comprehend a single word. Carrying the game by yourself is a complete different world for them that do not exist even in their fantasies.


And the part that hurts the most it’s like for the most part the tanks do good they do very good, and for the most part yes that’s who will have all the elims all the damage because guess what all my resources are going towards you.

If you don’t respect me enough to look past the ego I helped you build in the first place, then heck why should I help you at least linearly.

I don’t hard pocket tanks it’s just for the most part they take most of the resources and have like giaaaant health pools so it takes a loonngg time to heal some of them.

“yes your doing good that’s exactly why the enemy team has decided to HARD COUNTER YOU” understand it was a mistake to help you and pocket you in the first place, and as a support and as a guy who wants to climb I have to make the decision to inflate your ego almost out the gate, I could always legitimately just not heal you Im just not that kinda person will not be that kind of person and will jever be that kind of person, hence why even if Im flanking on Weaver or Moira or whoever as soon as you enter my LOS I will attempt to heal you.

Im tired of “Giving chances” I’m tired of “Let’s see if it works” Im tired of your version of “Fun” just watching you die over and over and over and over again as I go through the entire hero roster just trying to help you, I understand the frustration with counter picking but like some of these people can’t even be bothered to switch to try and help close off a game or secure a point.

Ngl whenever I get a doomfist now I already make the decision of if im gonna flank pocket someone else or hell just play a hero I don’t usually play, and ngl the “Weird” “Throwing” strategies work a lot of the time actually.

Hell I’d be even more understanding if I didn’t see doomfist 24/7 when he clearly isn’t needed, that’s killed more of my “Proper overwatch manners” mentality more then anything.

He’s not the only one but definitely a big issue.

I get you want to have “Fun” (even in comp where that’s definitely just a big cope), but I’ve put my foot down at this point, you can have plenty of “Fun” in someone elses game, just not mine I’m done with it you can avoid me and reque after this in someone elses game you have plenty of matches ahead of you.

And that has gotten me further then any other strategy in ow2 ever has.

I’m no longer gonna do it everyone elses way, just off the fear of what they think Throwing is, cause hell I know what failing is so much that I dropped to plat doing it “everyone elses way” so I’ve got nothing to lose anymore.

your basically describe throwing not everyone is specialized in every tank in the game


Every tank can be countered by a damage hero, lol. Sym for D.va, Reaper or Bastion for everyone else.

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If your bronze yes but what I really described for high ranks is off angles.

Think about it you try the same linear strategy thats probably been keeping you in I don’t know lets say gold over and over and over again and then you realize your still in gold.

How long would it take you to change things around?

i wil never be a high rank with how i play but im strictly in unranked but the game does need some better balancing

Yes… So ignore them… Go do something else, do weird and crazy stuff if every tank can be countered that’s still no reason for you to stick to the same useless strategy you know dosen’t work, and hasn’t worked for the last 10 games, that exact mistake is how I lost my rank.

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One thing I’ll say is that many times going neutral is a very solid way to break out of the cycle of counter picking. In some cases, someone will take it as they are being CP’d since there are 5 players on the enemy team.

Nah, they do that regardless. I could be performing awful and they will still break out 3-5 counters just in case. You can never be too safe. They fear the beast inside of me…

Does Sym can fly every 3.5 seconds after DVA?
Or, maybe, Reapper got damage buff to be able not just tickle the tank while being hook-oneshotted by some hog for instance?

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At times its also hard to carry the game when you are the only person on team trying to keep it all together, trying to survive, deal damage, play it safe and just aggressive enough.


Well, it works as simple as following:
To carry at your peak rank, you need to play like you are 2 ranks above in terms of skill. I know this sounds stupid, but you need to learn how to smurf in your lobbies by doing stupid things, limit-testing yourself ALL THE TIME - until it works out. This is a good motivation to improve, because I personally do not accept to stuck in a rank just to “play the game” or, which is more realistic definition: “allow the game to play you” considering the MM overall downsides. Hence, you suffer until you reach your first GM/Top500 (get actual skill), then you go onto another account and smurf, get to GM again, rinse and repeat all the time.
The progression reward is much better than anything else this game may offer :wink: You always stay in control of your matches, choose the difficulty: Today I play in silver and chill, tomorrow I want some challenge, so I go to my main, the day after I think I could play in diamond because I want to play X off-meta hero that doesn’t work in higher ranks but I want to keep it challenging while playable.

But you’re right, sometimes you can’t do anything despite the effort, but when you have skill to back you up, your mental stays clear of tilting as you know your worth even though you can’t win them all. Yesterday I lost a game in silver being GM1 Bap OTP, a day before that, I went 5/5 on placements on fresh account which was gold MMR :wink: Did that worry me? No, because I’ve seen worse, I have had 6 games lose streak in bronze xD The wonders of matchmaking =)

I tried this. Guess what? The tank reported me lmao.

This is usually the right way to approach things, if you can’t make your team picks works, you have to just try something else rather than bash your head in a wall for 10 minutes.

Sometimes your team comp is just too wrong to fix on your own. You can’t just “do better”, you have to do different. If the enemy team start to focus you more, you will likely end up in a checkmate and be out of options to win the game.

It’s the most noticeable on tanks, as having a tank that don’t swap or don’t understand the role makes the match substantially harder, but this happens with every role.

Seriously, why is it so common for people to do the exact opposite of what they need to do to win, it’s almost being contrarian on purpose.

Trust me, you get reports all the time, and most of the time nobody says when they report you (or me) :wink:

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I agree.

But at times, you also have teammates that are working 2 ranks below the match rank.
and that balances your things out.

Missed out that bit didnt you?

The what now?


“actual skill”.

In a game such as this, “actual skill” is quite unbalanced.
I have had GM tanks in my plat lobbies at times and won against them, that doenst make me a GM.

Why? cause its not you diff that matters, its the team diff that does.

This does make sense to an extent but this is just supporting smurfing, its an unhealthy thing to have multiple account so you can mentally cope while you bully lower ranks to build your ego then go play higher tanks afterwards.


Rather be a loser than be a smurf.
This is bigger than just me, if I look out only for myself I would be no different than a DPS Only moira.

Yes, that’s why you may lose 6 in a row even in bronze, especially when this combined with smurfs/boosters in the enemy team, and you get reversal after losing these :smile:
But I accept the challenge, np.

By that, I meant, you don’t know the game until you reach these ranks, it is your degree/graduation if you want =)

That’s true, but why do you mention that? However, that gives you more experience than “balanced” lobbies, w/o smurfs.

Well, that makes sense if you want to play the game. This makes sense if you want to stay in control when MM’s EBMM kicks in and get your skill actually rewarded. This makes sense more than sticking to your main account for no reason, unless you are low rank and just climbing atm/learning.

Ofc, why won’t you support playing the game with all the benefits this approach provides? Is there any point to play in GM lobbies for nothing? It’s not even fun as hard these games are on top of the same mess happining up there as you experience in lower ranks but in power of 10. With the only difference, that there, in GM, you can’t win unwinnable games, whereas in some plat/diamond ranks you can win those (you can beat the stupid matchmaker!).

I don’t see what’s unhealthy about it, tbh. You are to decide how you want to play the game, you choose the difficulty for the day/gaming session. You don’t need to bully anyone (at least I am not there to bully anyone, I just play the game the way I enjoy it). If they can’t withstand your skill, that’s a good lesson for them that you provide for free, btw. I remember the days when I was semi-pro in Counter-Strike 1.6, and we would pay pro teams to play a match against us that usually end up like 0-16 score for us, but tons of experience that we can use in our league afterwards.

Ego-boosting is always good, you can’t deny that. Everyone has ego, it is like stroking “little Jimmy”, and if someone say they don’t do that, trust me, they do that more often than you =)

You will understand all of these better as soon as you play hundreds of games in higher ranks, this is just pointless tryharding all the time.

I also understand why people don’t like smurfs and hate the advocating in this regard, but it all depends on your approach to the issue. I remember how I was hardstuck 3300 in OW1 and felt like every top500 widow come down there to destroy me =) But they paid back when I got to their ranks where I own them with my Ashe that is considered “anti-counter” to them, that’s how hard they had taught me. So, everyone decides for themselves if they just cry about it, or learn the hard way to improve. Spent 500 hours in these diamond smurf lobbies, the masters rank felt like 2nd platinum afterwards, ngl :smile: And, btw, Widows always smurf because she’s blue!

Yeah it’s called a fictional world, unless you’re two ranks above the opponent and smurfing.
I can be doing my best on DPS and the game is still dictated by support and tank abilities regardless.