If your a Sombra main let’s talk

It’s so hard to find people that actually play Sombra since she’s one of the least played heroes in the game. I just want to talk about how much I hate Mcree’s stuns and Ana’s sleep.


Not many still play her. She has a lot more problems than those things. :frowning:


She’s such a useful hero too tho. I don’t get why she isn’t played much. She’s also super fun to play


She’s certainly a lot of fun to play, but with damage and healing creep, and reduction of barriers and utility in general, she doesn’t offer as much value, beside the nerfs she’s had on top of that.

A lot of the roster are still just straight up better in a team fight than her even when hacked because they have a better primary fire, and none of her kit supplements her ability to stay in a fight while Hack itself is almost unusable as much more beyond initiation.

She sees a bit of use in OWL if the win condition is basically down to ‘win one team fight’, but on ladder you can’t get the coordination even for that.

Tracer just does her job better.


What is your favorite sombra skin?

Don’t consider myself a sombra main but she is my 3rd most played hero. I love playing her but I wish they did something about hack. A piece of dust can break it and it gets frustrating :frowning:


Augmentation. Like the Cyberspace and Los Muertos, and Talon are cool too.

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I love bride unlike a lot of other people


I’ve been summoned it seems


Hi! There’s still a few of us out there.

I’m a 1k hour Sombra main(former OT who branched out a bit for role queue), but I’ve been playing a ton of Apex lately since they added budget-Sombra as a hero there.

Personally I don’t mind sleep too much, and I just avoid McCree as much as possible, but my personal hatred is for Hanzo, Zarya bubbles, Fortify, and armor in general.

[edit] Demon Hunter is objectively the best skin in game, and Hacked is EASILY the best highlight intro.


She’s not played much because she gets most value out of team coordination.

Personally, me and my bf like to run Sombra-Genji and we like to coordinate our targets so that we secure kills.

But it’s harder to do if you’re not playing with friends/people that are willing to work as a team.

Sombra is extremely fun, but her value can also be easily diminished. It’s why it’s so easy to make a Sombra switch, generally speaking.

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‘‘A bit of use in owl’’ she is strong as hell in coordinated teams and was used for way more than just win a fight.

She relies on team too much to work this is why she isnt that good.


She doesn’t even need the WHOLE team to work around her, just having the other DPS work alongside her can make miracles happen but the fact that even that can be impossible speaks volumes to me

not a straight sombra main, but I play a lot of her recently. (thanks fitzyishere) she is so fun to play especially against heros that heavily rely on abilities: doom, echo, sigma, dva, lucio (sometimes), hog, hammond.

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I didn’t see a lot of her last couple of nights, there was a little but quite specific use.

When there was no 2-2-2 role queue. I used to play Sombra all day! (I am main healer).

The Classic QP its not the same because people think that when something its in arcade mode its for fun/throw/troll. So without the role queue QP was a bit more serious for the community. (Even though I love 2-2-2).

Now… since I dont want to wait 10 min to play a game… I dont play her so much… but when I do… I really wish to face a Hammond or a Doomfist so I can bully them ! >: )

isnt sombra one of the most played characters in QP though? i feel like im seeing her almost every game in QP ever since they reduced her spread, even if she is a bit rare in competitive. but im sure there is still a lot of sombra mains out there

I have a real hatred of Hanzo headshots.

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Feel you man. Less so about flashbang, but Anas usually feel like they got 100% accuracy on sleep dart even though they are just plat.


I wanted to try play her at some point as former spy main from tf2
But i sucks at plaing as her more than usualy. :frowning:

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