Many, many things would change
Spread reverted on turret form, headshots returned.
Ironclad removed, 1000 HP shield added to turret form. Transformation into turret form slowed by 15%. Turning radius restricted to 180% whilst in turret form.
Shield regenerates after time, and not instant when switching forms.
Damage reverted, Take a Breather reverted. Clip size reverted.
Hook cooldown decreased to 7 seconds, head hitbox size increased.
Damage increased by 15%.
New ability: Shield Smash. While holding right click and then left, Rein will perform a lunge forward with his barrier and push enemies attempting to get past his barrier. No stun will take place. 25 damage.
HP reduced to 500. Armor increased to 300 (300 Armor, 200 HP.)
Defense Matrix reverted. Boop damage reverted.
Micro missiles removed.
New ability: “Bunny Hop”. Similar to her HoTS ability, D.VA will perform a downward thrust, pushing anyone away within her vicinity.
Ammo Capacity Increased to 100.
Shields can now be used in ball form.
Grapple hook cooldown reduced to 4s.
Sound indicator plays when he reloads in ball form.
Life drain passive effectiveness increased by 25%.
Wraith form now on resource meter. Can stay infinitely in Wraith form…at the cost of HP. Can no longer contest. Speed increased by 15%. No longer produces black silhouette, but a black mist similar to the one seen in cinematics
Shadow step is now instantaneous at the cost of 25 HP per a cast. Can be used in Wraith form.
No longer has infinite stealth. On a resource meter that can be used and deactivated at anytime at no additional cost. Taking damage drains the resource meter drastically, enough to knock you out. Stealth will deplete slowly if standing still, but depletes faster when running.
Stealth speed increased to 75% once more.
Base movement speed increased to 6.
Oppertunist now allows hacked targets to take 8% extra damage from Sombra from duration of hack.
Hack speed reverted to last speed. LOS changes reverted. Damage threshold of 25 added.
Storm arrows removed.
Scatter Arrow returns, capped at 350 damage.
Grenade hitbox reverted.
Extra foot trap added to kit.
Riptire ult charge increased.
Can reload her gun while in Cryostasis.
Valkyrie removed.
Mass resurrection added back. Must be in LOS to get ressed. Those who are ressurected only gain 50% of health back.
New “E” ability, angelic dash. Allows Mercy to propel herself in any direction she faces, even in the air.
Healing upped from 50 to 55.
Scrap added back, caps at 100.
Overload ability removed. Replaced with armor dispenser that teammates will have to go to collect armor. Cost to build 50.
Turret behaves like beta turret; Higher HP, but must be built up to acquire higher tiers, up to 3 using scrap. Level 1 costs 25, level 2 costs 50, and level 3 costs 100.
Molten core remains untouched, aside from visual change that overlod provided.
While in air, can perform a short dash in any direction using right click, at the cost of fuel.
Shield Bash cooldown decreased to 6s.
Maceshot damage decreased to 50.
Base attack reduced to 20 damage a swing. Healing provided increased by 10%.
20 armor added to health pool, 20 health removed. 200 health, 50 armor.