If you were in charge?

That’s perhaps the only cat I dislike. :persevere:

What about if he instead plays with his dragon spirit? same for Hanzo

Genji could certainly have a dragon. I would hope they would interact if the two characters did the emotes near each other.

Same has Junkrat and Road isnt it?

Call Netflix and get to work on a short series.

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Why though? It’s mostly cute and fun.

Hello everyone!
This is GordonRamsay from the Overwatch Team! We are all super excited to share with you guys the upcoming nerfs to… uhm… heroes who are absolutely unfun to play against.

First, we have some upcoming Doomfist changes. We think Doomfist is very stupidly OP in his current state and we would like to apologize for not taking care of him sooner. We hope that after this nerf, he will still be playable in his future state and we do believe he will be.