If you want more Tank players do this, Blizzard

Make a cute female tank hero that actually has a fun kit. You know, kinda like how you did with Juno. Like it or not people are superficial. That’s why D.Va constantly gets picked even when she was bad, That’s why Widow constantly gets picked even though half the player base can’t aim, that’s why Juno gets picked in nearly all my matches, Mercy… etc…


Junker Queen is a cute woman hero that has a fun kit.

Actually based take. Give us D.Mon!!! We need her!!!


When I say cute, I mean D.va, Juno, Kiri, Mercy ish


There you go, Dva is a tank.

It’s hard to make a “cute” tank because they still have to be a tank with a large hitbox at the end of the day. That’s why D.Va needs a mech. That’s why I suggest D.Mon. That’s why the only one in Marvel Rivals is Penny Parker who is also using a mech.

But another way to do it is to make a mounted tank where the tank is the beast or machine that the hero rides into battle. Like a hero that rides a bear or giant wolf or something.

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This is quite true funnily, i even searched now for strong female protagonists, practically all famous successful ones are 50 pound kickass woman whether its alyx or lara croft or alloy.

The closest to a tank female protagonist who has been successful is cassandra of AC odyssey if you go with a spartan type gameplay.


Id much rather have another Junkeequeen

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I just looked up Penni, and she looks like an obvious Dva ripoff. And she looks like that for a good reason too. Also voiced by Kiriko’s va, so its ok. Youre right about Dmon too.

OP, the solution is Dmon. We need Dmon to compete with Dva.

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ok found one protagonist who is tanky and also from old games metroid samus aran, but she also uses exo suite.


Cassandra was a beast, but she feels a bit unfair to list because she was basically a god by the end.

…but yeah, she was definitely more JQ build then Dva.

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She is more popular when she takes off the suit.

:muscle: :skull:


Dva is peak overwatch (when she’s on my team)

She can go to hell when she’s on the enemy team tho

They should make more tanks like Dva but only allow blue team to pick them

I think the usual stereotype for female tanks should be a big momma figure. I dunno, maybe a Zarya- or JQ-type with bigger ahem bosoms? :heart_eyes:

I have said this a few weeks back. Its crazy how they dont get it. The next tank will be an ugly, old male again, I swear!

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