If you want Mercy changed

  • Consider Mercy’s role in the game.
  • Think about what is Mercy’s real job and where she fails at it.
  • Don’t use “fun/boring” as an argument. Everybody enjoys different things.
  • Don’t give suggestions and solutions, point out flaws and mistakes instead.
  • And please don’t ask for mass rez to come back. It has been said before multiple times that it’s never coming back.

The reason for Mercy 1.0 mass-rez being removed was that it wasn’t fun and wasnt good gamedesign.

And it was the correct decision.

I dont see a problem here.


Mass rez being removed was a good thing. I would be happy to give up rez in any form to revert back to 60 hps healing


And also because Ana was nerfed for the longest time, making Mercy the only viable main healer.

People tend to forget that when they thought Mercy was some over powered demon spawn :confused:


Healing isn’t a problem based on stats.
Her gun usage seems to be the problem.

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It’s a game, the fun level is by far the most important thung.


And how do YOU decide what is fun for ME?
If i like current Mercy, and you don’t, why should your opinion matter more?


Very hypocritical argument that likes to be brought up, as if the rework wasn’t a similar situation


Where did I claim that it should?

The devs’ main goal should be to make the game as enjoyable to play as possible. So feedback about the fun level of playing characters is definitely useful. More useful IMO than balance feedback since the devs have all kinds of objective stats about the balance.


I couldn’t agree more.

I don’t think fun was the only reason why she got reworked.

Let’s take a look at the balance triangle, shall we?
Balancing is based on these 3 points:

  1. Playerbase impression.
  2. Developer impression.
  3. Hero stats.

Now let’s see how Mercy 1.0 (with mass rez) fits in this balance triangle.

  1. Mass rez wasn’t liked by many players.
    We all have seen the threads back then. The majority seemed to dislike it. Mercy’s ult had no counterplay other than dealing with Mercy before she ulted. (This could’ve been easily fixed with LOS checks though.)
  2. The devs thought it promoted bad play, which it did. The hide and rez part of it. This is not how they wanted to see her played, even though that tactic wasn’t used that often.
  3. Mercy wasn’t viable back then. Especially not after Ana’s release. She was even F-tier.

And how does Mercy 2.0 fits in the balance triangle?

  1. Players are divided about this. Some Mercy mains like her current kit and some don’t. One thing is for certain and that is that the majority of the playerbase doesn’t complain about Mercy’s ultimate anymore.
  2. The devs have stated that they are not going to revert and rework Mercy anymore. The amount of changes she has received proves that they are trying to make the current Mercy work. (But they could’ve done a better job at balancing her.) In interviews during the Blizzcon did multiple developers even stated that they are satisfied with the state of all support heroes.
  3. Her average healing is on par with other main healers and her pickrate is still healthy. It seems it’s better in low and mid ranks than in high ranks, but this could be blamed on the fact that Mercy isn’t meta.

I think it’s a bit of everything why she got reworked.


For me, I would like Mercy to be changed in the form of her ultimate and E ability.

  • I would like revert of Mass Rez plus The Tweaks.
  • I would like her E ability to be Valkyrie with half it’s duration, a single beam at 80hps, and half it’s range.
  • I would like her to be given 55hps as her base healing, a 1.25s cast time on her rez, LOS, and a 30% damage reduction when activated instead of invincibility.

In terms of game design itself, we need to understand how good game design is taken into consideration, with regards to the community.

  • Fun is subjective, but since this game has had heroes changed based on the “Unfun to play against” argument, that would be setting a double standard to tell people to suddenly “not consider fun” in a video game designed for just that. This isn’t an office job, this is a game for kids. What people find fun, is objectively, just as important as what people find unfun. Both are subjective, and both “shouldn’t matter”, yet the rules are bent every time a hero gets outcries for reworks or nerfs. So if we’re taking out the “fun” part, be sure to take out the “unfun” part as well.

  • Mercy’s job in the game is to be a main healer and a pacifist. Mercy’s job as a video game character, is to also be engaging, rewarding, and impactful to play. Arguably, she fails at both.

It’s time to make Mercy fun for everyone again, and not just for the 1% of players. It’s time to truly make her engaging, impactful, and rewarding to play, while also having agency. It’s time for a Rework. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


She would be even more op than she was with MasRes.

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I completely disgaree.

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


You have then a hero that can heal 8o hp per second to one target and this for multiple. She is able to fly around and have a still super long beam, even if you would cut it in half.

Okay so you give her 55hp back- I can live with that. She maybe needs this but anyways. Let’s say okay to that and put it away.
If you give her a cast time on res, then the problem is not fixed, that you can still res somewhere where people can’t see you- lets say in another room or in the room, on the edge above.
So if you can have MasRes but its a chance that you might die, then even more Mercies will prefer to hide even more then before because otherwise they’ll die.

Tempo res?

I mean okay, you can still res quit a lot even with the res right now. And this will res now even more people.
So with your Mercy you can have a mas res out of sight or you tempo res with your second ultimate which is on her E- valk. You would still give her the selfheal and if you are not completely… special… then you can get reses through even now.
So you can still res 2/3 people while the enemies are focusing your other teammates who are still alive.
And if someone dies during her cast time then you res this player as well.

I mean if you are not fully bombing the Mercy, while she has popped her mini Valk with the selfheal buff, then she will get the res through.
And if she can’t, then she will start hiding- since you don’t need line of sight, am I right? Well, at least you didn’t say it so I guess not.

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I think it’s a bad idea as well. But I think it would be underpowered (with the exception of Mercy’s neutral game)

A mass rez with LoS restriction, no invincibility, and a cast time would be worse than mass rez BEFORE they added invincibility. It would be frustating to use, unfun, and people would be crying for it to be buffed. Mercy would actually be a troll pick.

I forgot to add LOS, that was one of the additions I agree with in her kit, among others.

I see where you are coming from. But remember that it’s half it’s duration, so that would be roughly 6 seconds of usage. With a single beam (which is half the range of current Valk), she would need to be switching between targets instead of using an AOE. That in turn, limits what she can actually do in that time greatly. It would also be on a cooldown, since it’s an E ability. I suspect a 25-30 second one to make it less common. :blush:

Line of sight fixes would solve this problem, as well as the cast time and damage reduction.

There’s no point of hiding if you need to be within LOS to rez. Damage reduction at 30% should be enough to allow her to die to focus fire and sniper shots, but not to inconsistent damage.

Mercy with Rez on E is able to get a lot more Rezzes than Mass Rez Mercy was able to get back in the day. On average a Mercy can get 6-8 resses each match (if I recal) which is a lot more than the 2-3 rezzes per match that were so common in the past, even with her invincibility buffs.

Since she would have LOS, it would make her approach even more risky. I suspect bad Mercies to have a lot less rezzes, and good mercies to meet about the same she’s had back then. Perhaps 4 at most per match. But the awesome thing about these changes is that if she is “too successful” in her rezzes, they can simply raise the ult charge. Though her ult charge in 1.0 is already pretty large, so I don’t think that would need to be done in a rework.

Keeping her self heal the same could resolve that issue. I kind of like how that would work as well. It would be a nice way to reward good Mercy players who know how to Valk and time it with their ultimate. Due to the long ult charge and cooldown on mini valk, I don’t see it being too abuse-able by lower ranks. That is a good thing to consider though, so thanks for pointing that out. :blush:

~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.


OMG, if only blizzard would do it :frowning:


Don’t use “fun/boring” as an argument. Everybody enjoys different things.

While that’s true, when a considerable part of a community disagrees with something, it would be best to look back and see what’s happening. Even if you claim that NOT everyone or NOT most people dislike her current playstyle but there are still enough players who find it boring, then there is a problem no matter the way you see it.
In this specific subject you cannot deny that a large portion of the community finds it “boring/unfun”. No matter if it’s half of them or one third of them, it’s still something alright, of course you cannot make everyone happy but you can make most of them.


Mercy has had a huge impact on the battle fields ever since Overwatch was released.

Mercy players, who don’t like today’s version of Mercy, aren’t used to the fact that enablers generally don’t have much direct impact of their own, but they can have big impact if they’re played well. Mercy’s design was never meant to be the perfect main/solo/whatever healer. Her job is to enable others so they can do their job even better.

It’s always been like that.
If you don’t like Mercy as she is now, you never liked her and only played her for the impact her previous ultimate and the other versions of Valkyrie had.

So, no. Fun doesn’t play the biggest role when it comes to game balance.


give mercy 60hps and admit your mistakes :wink: ive always played mercy but never with mass rez or double rez in valkyrie. the healing was good at 60hps just delete rez easy fix :slight_smile: