If you type "gg ez" it's censored. f you say "KYS"

Uhhh we need to censer some things dude lol

Just not the minor stuff.

Everything verbal is minor stuff if you (not you specifically) are not very sensitive :muscle:

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There is a mature filter and as you can see, filters are dumb and people can bypass them.
Thats why you should report these things and yes, no one can prevent every single way of bypassing filters. Its not realistic.

GG EZ is a meme, they did it for a meme. If you type G.G. Easy, you bypass it too .

Kys in danish means kiss.

Should danish people be banned instantly for mentioning “kiss”?

no one danish is randomly saying kiss by itself in an overwatch lobby.

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GG EZ, KYS, Diff and the like should just not come up at all. You don’t need an alternative phrase since everyone knows what is implied instead of it looking embarassing for the typer.

Just don’t show those phrases in chat. Simple as. We can live without them absolutely fine.

Brings a worrying nuance to Kiss Kiss Bang Bang.

So people could just add a letter to it and it would bypass the filter.

clean your desk please

Yawn more problems that are easily fixed by removing chat with the enemy team yet nobody wants that kind of stuff to ever end. In fact some here even claim it’s perfectly normal “social interaction”.

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This isn’t about the filter. The filter in OW is probably the worst filter to ever exist when a space can fool it.

“Freedom of speech” or whatever. If they filter that, let’s filter any and all hateful words while we’re at it. How does the n word, r word, or other f word not get filtered at all? Like yea, you can turn filters on but, why even let someone type it out so that it filters with the random symbols? Just don’t let people type this :poop: out.

Just because you’ve not gone through something in your life, doesn’t mean others haven’t.

My sister did kill herself. Telling a person who suffers from depression to unalive themselves might very well lead to them doing that very thing. Depression isn’t an “aww, I’m sad, I’ll get over it” thing, either.

If a person is so ugly that they can tell somebody to off themselves, they also shouldn’t have a right to be around others until they can get their crap together.

It’s baffling how one can say censorship is bad, but not fully understand just how bad it is to tell somebody to “Kys” or what type of person you’d have to be to be able to conjure up those 3 letters and direct them at somebody else.

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I didn’t know we could type any text on console lol… I hope people at least type with a keyboard or else it’s like 30 sec of afk-ing to type 2-3 words xD…

Back to topic : Yeah, the report system is too permissive but what can you expect from a company that allows leavers to do what they want and get mild punishments anyways.

It’s censored, though.
Just you have to put the profanity filter.

GG EZ depends on context more than KYS. Don’t know when “asking” people to commit suicide has many contextual moments where it is appropriate.
The way gg ez is transformed at least is funny. Kys should just be banned.

Motivating self harm was not a thing until recently

Because it was a petty response in response to a petty response.

It was a dig at players getting offended at a dumb phrase, not a dig at players using the phrase.

If someone uses a phrase that’s actually reportable, report theme, mute them, block them and move on.

Sticks and stones my guy, sticks and stones.

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(not so) fun fact: Only need enough people to actually “kys” due to cyber bullying before a place does anything about it.

Japan actually has a harsh law against cyber bullying due to enough ppl actually doing self harm/dying.

The Japanese Diet passed a new law that increases the penalty for cyberbullying to include up to one year in prison, in addition to a fine up of to 300,000 yen ($2,200)

the toxic culture in online competitive games is a result of game/console devs not being held responsible since start & ignoring it and it became “the norm”.

It would take a mere 5 yrs or so to remove it entirely if devs would just make a “2 strikes you are out” rule for it and do perm bans…but they won’t cause it would possibly make people avoid game. (and devs time and again show they value $ over healthy social aspect of game they make)

Im seeing a ton of those lately, whats up with that? Wtf is wrong with people now a days? Telling someone to off themselves over a video game? Thats pathetic