If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

:+1: I appreciate how you didn’t just label me as some random, bad Mercy player on the forums. :blush:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.
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By whom?

Revive still works in this way.

The main way you get value out of Mercy is by telling your team-mates, “Go play risky! I can revive you!”

Like what?

A healer letting someone die?

Currently it may be more beneficial to actually let tanks die and then revive them, because then you don’t have to waste 12 seconds of healing on them.

Here’s a quote to the justification for Mercy’s changes;

It was frustrating to play against, and it incentivized Mercy players to hide away from important battles, instead of taking part in them.

The only part of the quote you’ve stated which matches up is that hiding and reviving was a thing and it was unfun to play against. Nothing else you’ve stated is stated by Blizzard.

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But has significantly less value and is a way less viable tactic basically discouraging the entire thing

A team suiciding

Arguments against mass res:

  1. It encouraged hiding.
    Counter: True of many DPS ults (Barrage, Deadeye, Death Blossom)

  2. It “erased” ults
    Counter: so does Trans, Sound Barrier, even Mei wall, Earth Shatter, Emp, Grav. Mercy would arguably be even stronger if you replaced Mass Res with any of these other ults. It did however punish people for using way too many ults and then getting sloppy and not countering res

  3. It could cheese LOS.
    Often a valid point; putting LOS restrictions would be OK with the new GA Bunny Hop

  4. It’s “unfun”
    Counter: not much more unfun than any other ult, and to “hide and cheese” you have to make a lot of sacrifices like losing your main healer for a fight, get out of position to “die in range”. Res also has the biggest downsides in that if you fail, you can stagger your team and feed ult. Also, it has the most obvious tells because Mercy not only needs to have ult and be in position but you also need several dead team mates. There is much more of a cost/reward calculation than people are realizing.

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Low interactivity, but better pacing.

Where did they say it was unhealthy?

But the only way you could ever justify picking Mercy over another healer is if she could revive someone. If Mercy theoretically could never revive someone, she is useless.

Her entire usefulness stems from letting her team-mates die and reversing mistakes. That’s how it has always been.

And then being brought back to life…? What is the functional difference between preventing death and reversing death in Overwatch? They both have the same outcomes.

The devs.

No it doesnt. Due to it being a singular rez and such.

Not really because the moment more than 1 person dies to that riskiness it becomes a very bad move.

Hide and rez, kamikaze and rez.

You dont get ult charge, you have to rez them from within 5m of where they died which is tough with tanks etc.

Geoff just recently said mass rez was unhealthy, you can look at the interview on venturebeat or w.e with Jeff, theres the dev update for the changes as well, etc.

Dunno, I hear and see all sorts of quotes and interviews thrown around, don’t keep track of them

There’s plenty of reasons to pick mercy like

Maybe you just like them
Mobility makes it easier to heal other heroes
you know mercy stuff

If the enemy team used an ult or multiple, mass rez would just cancel it out basically

that was the supposed tactic

I really hope you dont believe this. Preventing a death is way different than bringing someone back from death.

I’m not surprised you didn’t explicitly hear it yourself. That’s because Blizzard never said it. People just like to make assumptions and inferences whenever Blizzard say anything about any hero that they don’t like. :man_shrugging:t2:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Do you have a quote where they state it is “unhealthy” or is that made up?

I was implying the core functionality of bringing someone back to life hasn’t changed.

The first option may have been a legitimate strategy for some.

The second option is completely unfounded. Your team is now fighting 5v6. Congratulations your team is now guaranteed to lose.

In a nerfed Mercy state of 50 HP/s, the benefit of getting ultimate charge (for a pretty bad ultimate) is severely outweighed by the potential of keeping a team-mate alive for 12 seconds

Well if you have a quote I’m sure that’d be infinitely easier than me having to find a specific section of a livestream segment where I don’t know what I’m looking for.

They have the same outcome. Do tell how they are different.

The burden of proof is on the one who brings the claim up, not the one who it is being brought against.

“you know Mercy stuff”

that’s very intelLigEnT Of YoU!

Why are you defending the enemy team using an unnecessary amount of ultimates, having poor coordination and/or targeting? If Mercy is not hiding in this fight, then you’re fighting 5v6. You shouldn’t even need an ultimate to win.

If Mercy is not hiding in this fight, you should be focusing the healer as literally any other team composition works.

I’m aware. I wasn’t asking for you for sources

Please contain your emotions on the subject

I’m plenty sure I don’t need to tell you what unique aspects Mercy has in her kit compared to the other healers, she’s mobile and consistent

Is it unnecessary?

This really shows that Mercy is nowhere near as bad a state as some people believe her to be, and I hope those that think that see this video and open their eyes a bit.

Using more than two ultimates in one fight without killing the Mercy or letting yourself use more than one ultimate in a 6v5 with the enemy team suffering from a hiding Mercy is definitely unnecessary. :wink:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Mercy is pretty slippery

She could easily avoid 4 ults in the right hands

She wouldn’t be stronger or weaker with a solid revert. She’d just have 1) a better defined niche in the game 2) stop stepping on Orisa’s toes 3) be more fun to play and play against 4) win back the attention of old Mercy players that fell in love with the character in the first place.

I don’t propose buffing Mercy just making the game better for everyone. Valk is strong. And I do think it’s kinda fun, just not as fun and cool as the old res.

She was super unfun to play against when she had Mass Rez (yes, this is coming from a DPS player), furthermore I would prefer all further discussion to not include Mass Rez as it’s never coming back.

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Ironically, this is a slippery slope. :sweat_smile: The chances of Mercy dodging four ultimates at once whilst the rest of her team is dying (which is required for her to Res) is as likely as me suddenly scoring higher than average in my Algebra exams. The only reasonable conclusion to such a feat is incompetence from the enemy team. In which case, I’ll respond with: should we be making changes based on incompetence?

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.
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If you think it’s “super unfun” to play against, try giving her Grav, or Trans, or Earth Shatter, or Death Blossom instead for a week and see how much more or less fun those are by comparison.

The only reason why a DPS would think res is “unfun” is because they think their ult is being “erased”, which usually means you should have saved it instead of dumping multiple DPS ults.