If you think Mercy isn't fun or impactful anymore

Dis youtuber plays the character real well therefore everyone else is wrong.

But its such a more convenient strawman to say we don’t know how to use it compared to admitting its not a fun ultimate as it requires almost no interaction. Even by Mercy’s “boring” gameplay style it offers the Mercy almost nothing to do.

I posted a response to a comment that basically was mocking how people say she has no impact…ill repost below.

“I mean, she kind of doesn’t…you realize that on the matches that Animetic steam rolls they also had Ana with? Another main healer…while when the other healer went Zen, it didn’t go well at all. They were barely holding the point with the Lucio. She is being used as an off-healer which is BS because healing and damage boosting is all she does and can only do one at a time. She brings no offensive capability which is why she should have a really great defense capability, but she currently can’t keep up.”

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Yeah the cast time and slow does definitely effect her ability to pull it out in a clutch. Personally I play a lot of tank, and play with a lot of tank players, and all of us protect tf out of our Mercy when it comes to res. I know this isn’t necessarily common, but I playing Mercy have pulled off some SUPER clutch rezzes with the current restrictions thanks to the aid of my team mates, and even without sometimes you can pull some magic.

That said, did you feel the instant cast Rez was balanced? I thought it was a bit too much. The ability to just fly in, rez, fly out, I felt like I was getting rezzes I had no right to get. Would them changing the slow effect, say to like 50%, change how you felt about rez? Is it the slow or the cast time that makes you feel this way about rez?

I wouldn’t compare repair pack to Resurrect. I’ve thrown a pack a split second too late, they die, and it had 0 impact, and I’m waiting out a cooldown. I think comparing burst heals to res is simply unfair, as burst heals can never afford for the person to get 0’d where as rez can. You then have 10 seconds to bring that person back at full.

Once a person has been killed there’s levels of attention shift, etc, any damage directed in their area doesn’t impact them, only the chances for a rez. This is different from a burst heal, as they are still susceptible to any sort of follow up burst. It comes down to the individuals ability to break LOS to stop the stream of damage before dying. There’s elements, imo, make rez and burst heal incomparable.

I would argue they originally reworked Mercy with the goal of removing hide and rez type strategies and the sort of “broken gameplay” or contradictory sort of gameplay elements that Mass Rez by the nature of 1 button press resulting in anything from 1-5 people being rezzed encouraged.

Thus our first version of Valk, where Mass Rez was very much “unpacked.” We gained instant Rez on E, then the CD refresh on ult, then the reduced CD during Valk, which led to the potentially 4 people being rezzed. (Rez someone, ult, rez someone else, wait 10s, rez another, wait 10s, rez the fourth.)

This was straight up busted for sure. I would then say it was after this realization that the goal shifted to lowering the impact of rez. As rez in this form was unarguably EXTREMELY impactful. Unfortunately it took a LOT to get rez into a balanced state after this unpacking of the ult.

So long as the 1 button press could result in anything from 1-5 people being rezzed, there’d be that incentive to game the system by players. Mass rez with instant cast and invuln was not even a really great ult tbh. It’s value dropped off sharply the higher you climbed eventually becoming a singular rez for your Pharah pocket.

Prior to the introduction of invuln, it was even more of a lackluster ult. As for the heal on team mates, that ties back into the difference between burst heal and rez as before. It’s easy, with the “compromises” typically cited as a way to “fix” mass rez, to make it very lackluster or borderline useless. We’d then need some magic E ability that compensates for that, yet isn’t too powerful or propels her to must pick status just off the E. That is a fine and delicate balancing act in and of itseelf.

I think ideas like this are good to discuss. Personally, I always was a bit partial to the idea of her primary beam target having a slightly higher HPS than the chain beams off that target. You already slightly juggle your Valk beam to ensure as many people as possible are getting the effects of the chain as they have a 10m limit. This would be an attempt to further reward that juggling effect, while not greatly shifting the power budget of the ult.

I think sacrificing say 3-5 seconds off the duration of the ult, possibly also putting the standard delay on the passive regen, in order to sort of “concentrate” power in various other elements of Valk could be a way to come to a compromise.

A slight burst heal on activation is also, imo, an idea to help with the “swing” feeling of the ult, without greatly shifting the power of it, as current Mercy/pre -10hps nerf Mercy are the closest to balanced Valk Mercy has been. I don’t want to risk disrupting that heavily.

Balance isn’t determined by the power of one individual ability. I think with no other changes to Mercy’s current kit, removing the cast time from Resurrect entirely would not make her overpowered.

Reducing the slow effect would help, but would not fix the problem. The problem isn’t the slow itself (even though it feels awful from a gameplay perspective), but rather the fact that Mercy is so incredibly vulnerable. Increasing Resurrect’s range would make it feel better too, and would actually do more for fixing the problem with Resurrect than getting rid of the slow. The extremely limited range is the most crippling aspect of current Resurrect, because it requires that Mercy stand in roughly the same location as someone who just died for standing there.

Increasing the range of Resurrect would give Mercy a bit more control over whether or not she can pull it off with good positioning, because it would enable her to actually choose her own position for the Resurrect.

That’s true. However, Repair Pack is more than just a burst heal. While it won’t protect a 200hp hero from a fully charged Widowmaker shot, it will prevent Hanzo from one-shotting a 200hp hero with a fully charged headshot thanks to the +75 armor.

You’re right that Resurrect and Repair Pack are not the same thing and that they affect the flow of gameplay in different ways, but that doesn’t mean that certain comparisons between them cannot be made. Both can prevent a respawn.

From an interview with Jeff Kaplan:

Kaplan: The goal — I’m about to tell you the goal and it’s going to make us sound like miserable failures. But the goal was to lessen the impact of resurrect overall on the game, and then also change Mercy’s play style so it was never wrong for Mercy to heal her teammates.

The “hide and rez” concern was only a secondary concern, according to the man himself.

This was good for the game. There were a variety of ways in which resurrect could be used, and depending on the way in which it was used the value of the resurrect was varied. The value of Resurrect as an ultimate varied according to the skill of the player using it.

Making it so that healing your teammates is always the right answer may make Mercy’s gameplay more immediately intuitive, but it makes it more intuitive at the cost of complexity. The rework made Mercy easier to get consistent value from because that complexity was removed. That’s bad. Oversimplification is not good.

People continue to get all bent out of shape over Mercy’s passive regen, but I still don’t understand why. It’s only 20 hp/sec. If anything, it should be buffed during Valkyrie. Coalescence, which is the most similar ultimate from another hero, heals Moira for 50/sec for the duration.

If Blizzard really wants Mercy to be taking a more active role in team fights, her regen should just be always on by default. Every part of Mercy’s kit is designed to encourage her to hide behind walls. The passive regen being triggered by not taking damage is hands down the biggest part of that problem.

Yo that’s bold. I don’t think I could say that. No cast time rez, on demand every 30s, was huge imo. You GA in, hop to and rez, then pretty much IMMEDIATELY GA out, as you can be lined up for your GA target on the way to/while rezzing. It was just ridiculously easy to pull off with little to no punishment.

Well… Yeah… You’re bringing someone back from the dead, man. That’s pretty big. I’ve been that Tracer that you finally kill only to have their Mercy pull a clutch rez off on them and they proceed to gut your team. I’ve been that guy. That ain’t fair imo. There needs to be vulnerability when rezzing. Imo, it has HUGE swing potential, but clearly many on this forum seem to disagree.

Yeah, thus no ability to hide. That said, I do think Rez’s range should be increased during Valk. You should, in Valk, be able to Rez further away than normally imo.

Fair citation. Yes, I remember that interview, and perhaps it was their goal to lessen the impact from the start. I think that’s kind of… Not the full picture of it. As the impact of Rez in say a pro league game at the time was that your Pharah got a second chance. As for like where the bulk of the player base is, gold/plat, yeah I guess I could see it being very impactful.

Nah not just the skill of the player using it. As it depended on your team dying. If we’re talking something like Trans, that only effects those that are alive, then yeah it’s all on the player to read the situation etc etc. But when it comes to people dying, well, then you get the element of people allowing them to die in situations where they otherwise would have completely avoided it. Face tanking damage instead of breaking LOS as they would.

That was the problematic element of the gameplay introduced by the 1:1-5 system. The problematic element they were trying to remove when they moved to a 1:1 system that then could let you rez 4 people in the span of 20 seconds.

Yeah I just cited it because it’s something I really don’t care at all about so it’s something I’d willingly give up to lend strength to some other part of Valkyrie.

Love generalizations as an answer. Forum Mercy mains are just bad…
Theres not really an argument there or logic in your post so better to be ignored completelym your prejudices is the only thing I can take from your post. Good job

Reading the OP’s comments at the top of the thread it seems that OP share some of my sentiments about the forum Mercy debates.

Many of the threads that want another rework for Mercy, or that want her Mass Ress back have a tendency to talk like they are talking for all Mercy players, which I find annoying. And if I comment in those threads that I like playing Mercy and I think the rework was a good thing I sometimes get told that “you’re wrong”.

From what I’ve seen it seems like it’s almost a crime on this forum to actually like playing Mercy, even if you call yourself a Mercy main…


just want to ask, what i knew was hide and mass rez was mostly resulting the team that doing that is losing the fight, because if the enemy is holding ults then they can just do another wipe, because you don’t need ultimates to finish a team without healer (read: hiding mercy) so surely you still have your ultimates in the first place. players do hide and mass rez just to get huge SR that boosted them to the rank they didn’t belong.

currently the SR problem is fixed, and if hypothetically, mass res is returned (maybe with LOS tweaks and no invulnerability), what benefit would be the reason to still use hide and mass res?

All the complaints I’m seeing in this thread are things I assumed people already knew.

Of course Mercy is team reliant – that’s the point. Mercy have zero agency over the game. She’s been like that in EVERY iteration.

I agree with what you are saying


I will add that earlier this week I watched a player win a 8 man DeathMatch free-for-all as Mercy

Most of Mercy’s kit is non-usable in this mode - just her pistol and the occasional benefit of flying in Valk - aside from basic functionality all characters have, like walking and melee

You still have to win a match in order to gain SR. If the hide and rez strategy always resulted in loss, there’d be no way to use it to climb. Itd simply minimize the amount of SR you lost.

The rezzed team can always respond with their own ults to counter follow up ults, plus any other defensive abilities, los breaks, etc.

That said it wasnt a good strategy, and its effectiveness fell off sharply in higher tiers to the point where Mass Rez was used just to bring up Pharah. It was kind of like E rez in that regard.

In disorganized settings like QP and Mid tiers it could swing fights and win matches due to lack of coordination, communication, and awareness.

So we’re just glossing over how Animetic said on her Twitter (repeatedly) that Mercy isn’t fun in her current state? K then. Continue telling people how they should play the game.

You mean like this tweet?

Just a refresher for y’all:

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If it was a design issue, Resurrect in any shape or form would still encourage hiding because as you’ve mentioned; people would indeed want to gain the most out of the ability and the only way to do that is to have a dead ally in your team. That would mean the rework didn’t fix the issue of “Hide n Res” and just ended up replacing one kind with another; either way; you’re still going to see hiding Mercy’s. It’s just that you get rewarded more for hiding with current Mercy than previous Mercy because of how Resurrect functions now.

Now, time to argue why it isn’t a design issue. One main reason why I believe it not to be a design issue but rather a player base issue is because if players really had the intention of maximising the value from mass Resurrect; they wouldn’t focus on just numerical value. They’d use it when they need it. With that in mind, this:

Is really just:

“I want 5-man Res for PoTG”

This also means that players that do this aren’t particularly good players. Making huge changes (that clearly upset many) because of bad players? Yeah, completely unnecessary. All Blizzard needed to do was give changes to decentivize Resurrect or just leave it alone. Much like most other strategies, this one would’ve died on its own.

Just like how they reworked Mercy without much consideration of the player base, removing invulnerability wouldn’t be much of an issue if mass Resurrect were to return. Especially when removing invulnerability is a very popular opinion on the forums amongst Mercy and non-Mercy players alike.

Honestly, can’t relate. Before invulnerability, it was just a matter of using your ultimate smarty. If you don’t, you die. That’s high risk, high reward. Something that’s good. If it is the case of you getting outplayed by the enemy team; the enemy team did a good job. It doesn’t mean mass Resurrect had issues.

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.

Those people are called “In denial” folks. They won’t be happy unless it’s BK have it their way. Oh well. They can’t have their cake and eat it too. I think she is pretty fun at the moment. I tried her out at my friends and I can tell you, she is MUCH more different. I would just fix her terrible hero glide bruh. She literally goes flying over people into danger lol.

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“Mercy can’t keep anything alive” meanwhile this person here keeps a Zarya alive vs. 6 people. If this was the same situation with Ana being alive, both the Ana and the Zarya would have died.


It’s super cool how one person can experience something and to another person it’s completely different. What’s even cooler is that both experiences, and situations, are valid and don’t discount one another.

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Funny thing is, people are still trying to use this video as evidence for something when Animetic herself said that that isn’t the video’s purpose. :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓜𝓮𝓻𝓬𝔂 𝓘𝓬𝓮 𝓒𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓶 𝓜𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓶𝓮𝓷𝓽


Spreading positivity and ice cream, one Mercy at a time.
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