If you queue for all three roles, every 10 games should prioritize you for dps

Seems like a small reward for those that tank or support a lot?

Nope. Tanks and healers don’t need rewards for playing less popular roles imo. You don’t get pats on your back, or special cake for choosing those roles.


Only if you win your matches. Otherwise you just gonna throw 10 games.

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I just want you to re read what you just typed and tell me:

A. Is that the dumbest thing you’ve said today

B. Do you even understand what it is you wrote.


You are already the “priority” you can’t take someone else’s place in your own personal queue.

That’s a lot of matches to throw just for one free dps queue. That’s almost and hour or two of gaming.

  1. Probably. It’s 5AM so I wouldn’t put it past me.
  2. Kinda do now. I don’t much like the idea of further incentivizing playing tank or support. I prefer people to play those roles because they like them. Not because of some light at the end of the tunnel. It makes me think of someone being put in jail for 10 days, but they get out for 1 hour at the end of those 10 days.

I’m just trying to help the queues. There is a problem whether you want to admit it or not

Imagine same mentality applied to real life jobs. I think people do deserve pats on their back (and higher salary) for doing the jobs nobody wants to.

There should be a priority queue, rank based for those flex players who actually play and win matches in demanded roles. Check my thread if you want an overall idea:

Yeah I know, some people are pathetic. Anyway, I’m not sure about 10 games = free queue, but more like you earn credit for winning matches in other roles and that credit can be spent to skip ahead in queues. I’m not sure how it would be calculated because you can’t say something like 1 win = 5 minutes off your queue because the queue times are just estimations.

Well, there’s a data structure that happens to be called a priority queue that could be useful for that purpose.

But… this isn’t a job. Its goal isn’t to fit into the structure of society and provide any injection of more jobs or currency into the economy. All we’d get in Overwatch are people who are grudgingly playing tank/support that don’t actually want to be there. If I had to play 10 games as a tank I’d want to cut my wrists, and I imagine there are others that feel the same way.

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