If you one trick, what's the funniest thing you heard?

They literally lost to ONE sigma and ONE moira while I single handedly killed their hanzo and widowmaker and kiriko at the choke, and killed the hanzo and the widow AGAIN at the choke when they respawned and STILL no one came to help and no one healed me lol. They lost a fight on the point 4v2 and were dead when I went to contest :frowning: then the moira, sig, and kiriko killed me and the team would not stop whining and typing after that till we lost. This was blizzard world.

Wait, I was at 7 kills by that time, so I must have gotten 2 more. I might have killed the sigma and one other person before dying when I was alone at the end.

looks like you got your wish, check the patch notes :wink:

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Woah woah woah

Was this back in OW1? On Ilios? Sometime around early last year-ish?

'Cause in that case, that might have been me.

20k healing in a 3 round match.
No one our team has died more than 3 times.
I’ve got zero deaths.
We win. Fun game for all.
Random Bozo on my team “Lol, 3 elims Mercy? L2P”
/sigh /eye-roll

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Me who used to be a Sym one trick, sitting in the corner drinking my tea.

When I played Orisa in OW1, around the time I decided to one-trick her, I was experimenting with her attack playstyles. My team was HARD-scalding because they were convinced Orisa could only work in Bastion+Torb bunkers on defense.

After a minute of private team-only beratement, the enemy supports starts raging.

“Can somebody PLEASE help with the Flnkng Orisa in our backline?”

It shut up my team, and was pretty funny timing. We ended up sweeping the game.

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The only time to flame a Mercy is if she’s pocketing a mediocre Ashe…

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idk about that. most OTP’s get flammed if its not working or if its perceived to not work.

in your example tbh both of you were at fault, mercy is semi helpful for ashe/hanzo but you rely entirely on on to them to get value because your tank isnt going to benefit from you at all neither is your lucio.

the lucio is the same problem, you dont really need a lucio when your playing doom. you can play lucio in dive comps but you’d more so do that when your actually diving or rushing targets not when you have doom + 2 ranged dps.

so in my book both of you were in the wrong and both of you should of swapped. (really the entire comp made no sense)

BUT if i had to pick which one to keep and which one to swap, id of kept mercy and had lucio swap because not only would the mercy be helpful to the dps but the doom potentially could of swapped off to a better tank and he’d of needed something like an ana, bap or kiriko to sustain and fight.

“We need more heals, maybe a Moira” (When im Ana)

This one was my favorite when I was still in the metal ranks in Ow1

I have heard wow a good genji

Wow a nice genji

Genji your ruining the game from a moira and a sym before.

Wow should have nanoed the genji from my own ana.

And the best was how did we win with genji vs beam