If you need a Mercy pocket to do good:

Y’all are trash and can’t act like you are better than people. If you were actually good, you wouldn’t need a Mercy pocket. I dare you to try, lol.


“lol” he says. Mrat do you know what someone sounds like when they whine about a pocket? Or a counter pick? Or … having their monitor on and firing in the general direction of the enemy at all?


it is annoying when people complain about how much they need a pocket but currently arent doing anything… When im playing dps and trying to take down a pharah mercy I’ll ask for a pocket but make it clear its because im not good enough at hitscan to 1v2 and that I wont be able to counter very well without some help from someone. Not gonna act like im god’s gift to overwatch when hitscan is really not my role


A tale old as time

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If someone has high APM and is being aggressive I’ll often switch to Mercy and pocket them, it usually works out really well. Last time I pocketed a Soldier and he did more damage than both the enemy DPS combined and only died once. You sort of get a feeling in spawn for which players will make the most of one after a while.


Give it one and half teamfights if there’s a clear difference between teammates. Mught take two and a half fights if the differences between teammates are smaller, but then you just swap between them for the one thst needs it the most at the time.

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Mercy makes good players better. If they weren’t shooting you Mercy would give them nothing.

Soooooo, I mean, like… I dunno. Don’t solo someone with a Mercy Pocket maybe? Do it with your own pocket support.


Players who are good without Mercy pockets are like good one-tricks: Good.

And by min/maxing logic: even better if they get that Mercy pocket, or (and) for one-tricks, skill permitting, switching to a second appropriate hero for the right situation (which I guess would make them a two-trick).

Maximizing every agency window you have maximizes your chances of winning.

If you need a Mercy pocket, you shouldn’t necessarily feel bad. You’re just doing what you need to win.

And that’s being smart. :bulb:


“Smart” is a skill too.

(There’s more to Overwatch than just aim skill, knowing the maps, and game sense)

Everytime I read this nonsense take, it reinforce the fact that the average player has zero gamesense whatsoever.
Imagine you playing any hitscan dps, already outplaying both enemy dps players but you can’t get the edge because you have to carry a 1-14 tracer player and an the average Ana player with 3k heal and dps after 8 mins.
And you nicely ask hey would you swap to mercy, I will carry us to the win.
And you as Ana refuse and say „lol no I don’t like to win, I just want to have fun.“

Meanwhile I am choking and trying my hardest to deadlift half a metric ton to the victory line. :confused::confused::confused:

I mean at the end of the day I’ll win probably the next 10 in a row until I stumble upon another Moira or Ana player not capable of reading the game.
Not the end of the world.

The worst is if your team is winning because of the DPS carry and you pocketing them on Mercy, but the other DPS gets offended so they swap to something like Pharah or Bastion and start spamming X. Like, just grow up, stop being a baby and take the free win! Nobody cares that you weren’t the best DPS on your team.

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If we have a mercy I expect her to damage boost the dps. It’s just what I would be doing as a Mercy main. When I see a Mercy holding left click on the nearly full hp tank I get so annoyed.

If a mercy is left clicking a near full tank it’s because they might be expecting damage to befall them imminently. And damage mitigation is the best way to heal with mercy as she nor other supports can actually heal anyone up during a fight anymore.

Another option is that she might have just gotten harassed by a flanker and is busy making sure that they top up the tank before being sent back to spawn.

Might not have the best awareness and they’re tunnel visioning.

Could be new at mercy.

Might have deemed the dps positioning too risky to follow to.

It’s always worth it to top up all teammates between fights for ult charge, because healing someone up is better for charge than boosting a person who’s not shooting at the time.

As I said I main Mercy so I’m familiar with how she is played. This is not some situation instance where it’s the right play. I’m talking about mercy’s that forget about their dps entirely.

Now that is definitely a tunnelvision/awareness issue.

My issue with some mercy players that they’re just too passive. If the enemy that killed your pocket is low, just shoot them and finish the job. Don’t leave a 50 - 100 hp target running around.
Sonetimes just a melee while zooming through a battle might kill an enemy, but they don’t take even that.

If the person you pocket is missing all their shots, just pull out a gun and do it yourself.

I do love a petty showing up of an enemy mercy.
Just making sure i have more kills and more healing than they do on the scoreboard. Just leave that scoreboard for them to mull over while i silently drift off to another match.

When a dps player says one of these two things, I know they are a bad player not worth pocketing:

  1. pocket me!
  2. why are you pocketing the tank?

Mercy gets ult gain much faster with healing than with dmg boosting, unless she’s 100% dedicated to a dps that has god level accuracy, high headshot percentages, and against a team that doesn’t know how to avoid damage. You only ever see that kind of thing pocketing a GM smurf in a bronze lobby.

So even in top tier matches, if they are competitive, Mercy must occasionally tap into the tank as an ult battery, or she’s going to get blown up by lots of enemy ults.

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It’s possibly taught to the Mercy player by other tank players.

Tank dies again and again and again. Tank flames Mercy for not healing them.

Happens again in next game, and next game…

Mercy just says F it, I’ll pocket the tank so they don’t errupt on me, or when they do blow their lid at me again I’ll be able to tell them I was pocketing them…

As terrible as it is to play tank, the environment has created some extremely toxic tank players.

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It’s likely because low elo tanks don’t know how to use cover and blow up when double pocketed. This probably results in supports who feel like if they leave their tank for one second, they will die. Which is honestly probably true from what I’ve seen.

Song as old as rhyme…

Mercyyyyyyyyyyyy and the beaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaam

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I dont understand the point of the post… are people who are being pocketed by mercy eliminating you and then talking smack or something?

“If you’re nothing without the Mercy then you shouldn’t have it!”

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