If you main Doom - stop playing until the bug fix

They need to see it in their numbers before they prioritize it.

I’m not one for these call to actions but this bug is the worst yet.

Just have a look at the list of the abilities you can’t block anymore.


Okay, well, this explains a thing or two. Blimey.


Yes I got decimated in my games today. I thought it was just beams but it’s a lot of things.


Its kinda amazing how many things they manage to break per patch.


They still haven’t fixed aoe damage going through Brig’s shield, such as Pharah rocket and Junkrat mine and grenade, and then introduce another blocking bug.


They literally killed doomfist


Might as well quit at this point, no buffs or reverts for mid season patch but getting more and more bugs that take forever to fix

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Ok good i though im dumb. Fighting an ana and zarya last round and didnt get charged. xD

I’m totally in favor of them fixing this bug (some of these are egregious that they dont work), but not everything on that list is new. Some of those things were not blocked before either, such as ‘stuck’ projectiles (pulse bomb, mag grenade, bastion grenade).

Several of these also dont make sense so I’m confused why they’re listed - e.g. junkerqueen’s bleed, ramm’s vortex, dynamite DoT, EMP, hog hook. Doom block isn’t a blanket 80% protection against all damage. Things that dont have a directional source (like bleed/dynamite DoTs) shouldn’t get reduced at all, and things like EMP and hog hook are CCs that intentional take him out of block. Why would there be damage reduction on them?

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I stop playing him until they fix him

All those things had damage reduction before.

The stuck projectiles were blockable if they were on the floor or stuck to something else and you blocked but they aren’t anymore.

The point of the list isn’t about what makes sense (the nade being “stuck” shouldn’t make a difference - that doesn’t make sense either but it is what it is).

The point of the list is to highlight what has changed in the patch so Blizzard know and we know.


The splash damage from exploding on the ground is not a stuck projectile. A stuck projectile is one that actually attaches to the character (i.e. when it says “stuck” on your screen), and this absolutely was not reduced before.

I do not play doom enough to have ever actually looked at DoT reduction so I’ll defer to you on that one, but I would argue that makes absolutely zero sense to be reduced. Doom’s block is supposed to reduce directional damage coming from the front. DoT does not have a direction. Why would blocking in front of him reduce damage from being on fire?

Again, I’m not disputing the logic. Many things don’t make sense.

Why should a pulse bomb have damage reduction 1nm away from you but if it’s touching, it does full damage?

The main thing I want is it to work as intended so we can play properly. Right now, it’s clearly not.

Just so you are aware, ALL cc that does damage contributes to empowered punch and has damage reduction. Sigma rock, Orisa Javelin, etc so hook and EMP aren’t special.

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Because one of those things is in front of you, and one of them is not?

Yes I agree, he should be fixed. As i said above, it’s fairly egregious that most of these dont work.

I’m not saying there isn’t a precedent for this. All I’m saying is that it makes sense to me. If you CC him out of his block it doesn’t really make intuitive sense to me why this would count (at least if I were the dev I wouldn’t do this).

But if that’s the way it used to work then I’m fine with them restoring it that way.

I’m talking about it being stuck right on the gauntlet that is doing the blocking.

I’m not saying it should be changed but it absolutely makes no sense.

I’m not sure why face tanking a rock and blocking it should do the same damage even if your guard breaks.

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Im thinking more along the lines of EMP, where there’s intuitively nothing really being blocked, but I see your point. Seems reasonable.

The bigger question is… what is doing the damage in an EMP? :joy:

At this point I stopped looking for things to make sense in Overwatch and just look for the rules to be consistent.


Dynamite is coded as a directional source weirdly enough. Doom block charges off the burn and both he and Ram can reduce the burn damage.

Also there’s some forbidden knowledge related to this fact I will not that divulge because it can work against Ashe. It’s easy to figure out though.

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Honestly, maybe they thought powerblock was too good at reducing incoming damage.
I’d say let it be this way but add an effect that makes Doomfist jump and knock all enemies in front of him in the air. They could also name it uppercut

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This would explain why I still get to hit Doomfist from an angle I know that wouldn’t go through.