If you main brig. You are really good at this game

Yo whose mans is this?

I’m saying brig is good stop hating. People that play her are good.

Why are you mad

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Alright well I’m done with this… whatever you are doing.

Anyone else have an A to my Q? I’m honestly asking because I don’t get it.


I think it’s because of the dev post saying they are going to make her Shield Bash not go through Rein’s barrier.

Yes. Yes you are.

So brave! So cool!

That’s it. I’m starting a Poofis fanclub. Change my mind.

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Geoff posted about an upcoming bash nerf.

Thank you please fight for heros like brig, mercy, junkrat, and bastian


It’s “Bastion”. Get it right.


I can’t even comprehend what happend recently, it’s like some petty cult, everything was fine a few days ago in terms of brigitte or at least the usual but now there’s been all sorts of posts with extremely whiny people and minum logic.

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Yes, on both sides of the fence.

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No honestly it was all Brig hate spam everywhere, and all the people fine with her were either rebutting it in said threads or were silent.

Why do you think so many threads popped up today saying how bad of an idea this is?

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As with anything; however, one side is particularly void of it relative to the other.

And people call us Mercy players a cult…

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Nah, there’s been a few loudish over the top posts with caps (quite literally about 5) for defenders but everything else is delete brigitte and posts literally calling people crap for even play brigitte along with the whole delete brigitte movement itself.

You are angels in comparison.

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Great, now I have “Cult of Personality” by Living Colour stuck in my head.

Sorry, I just got done being "/s"ed and passive-aggressively talked down by Brig defenders just because I wanted to discuss the whole Shield Bash thing in an adult manner… and I didn’t agree with them. So I guess I just have a bad experience with all that.

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When it comes to the forums, I’m more neutral evil. I’ll type my opinions while laughing at how ‘special’ this forum can get sometimes.

That happens to me quite a few times with different songs.

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Yeah, those are the few i’m talking about, i don’t personally like the shield bash nerf because it’s inconsistent since melee abilities should go through shields no matter the character, here’s a example of inconsistency like the brigitte change

Here’s a idea i had from another thread

I just don’t feel like typing all of my thoughts out again lol.

Those filthy bastian mains can abuse their broken hero and reach 2000 sr higher than they should, watch out people.

(Its the best kept secret in the game though, thats why it has under 0.5% pickrate. Don’t tell anyone else.)

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Don’t forget about those filthy junkrat mains abusing their OP hero to reach gold.

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