If you have played 1000 games and are still worse than the average player

your career high SR will never change. So my question to blizzard is: If someone plays fairly regularly, after how many games are they 95% certain that you have an accurate SR?

I’ve heard someone say to me, “Your career high is 2150 but you are currently 1150. What happened?”

Well sir, it’s because Blizzard assigns all new players to the median SR. I never deserved 2150 in the first place.

This is one of the negative aspects of the current SR system.

Edit: after reading everyone’s responses, one solution is not to create a career high until you have reached level 50.

Edit #2: This is a very minute problem. Not sure what the most pressing issue in OW is, but this is defiantly not it.

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blizzard took your quickplay and placements in your first season when determining your starting rank. It figured you were within a 2.1k rank after you finished placements. Obviously you have since played worse than when you first started and have dropped.

If you have played 1000 games and are at 1k sr, its time to admit you arent good at the game. You can either quit, accept your rank, or go out and improve yourself.

I seriously doubt this to be true. from level 1 to 25 I could have only improved, then I dropped 1000 SR after working my way to 2150? Your theory is ludicrous.

I am not complaining about my rank. Please stick to the topic of discussion.

I’ve gone from 4.4k to 3.6k. Why did I drop? Because I played worse


but your loss only represents 25% mine is closer to 50%

What SR do you start out when you play your first career game of QP?

I was placed in gold when I first started, hit 3.2k that season. Hit GM my 2nd season

What SR do you start out when you play your first career game of QP?

You start off playing against lvl ones

What SR do you start out when you play your first career game of QP?

You start off playing against lvl 1s

What SR do you start out when you play your first career game of QP?

you start off playing against lvl 1’s who have 0 sr

I went around 1600 to 1900, dropped to 900 sr and now I’m in gold. I do way better at Sombra than any other hero, only playing her in season 9 when I was still in bronze got me to silver. This season I got to gold aftter being in 1900 most of the time. I have an account that’s about to drop to bronze that I use only to get better at different heroes. Ended in 1600 last season.

I’ve played with others that have been playing since season 1 or 2 that were stuck in bronze or silver for the longest time then got to gold or plat. It’s always possible to rank up, no matter what. You can also stay stuck in a rank because of other players. I’ve had people in my silver games that were stuck in silver and were REALLY good.

can you site your references please?

level one accounts do not have any competitive experience therefor they have 0

this is not necessarily true.

Do you have proof that what you believe is true?

You have a separate MMR for both Quick Play and Competitive.

Your Quick Play MMR affects your placement matches the first time you go into competitive play. After that, the game builds a competitive play MMR based on your comp data and everything afterward is based on that.

QP sets up your comp placement matches based on how well you do before in QP but after you finish your placements in comp in any season QP no longer takes any effect

I’ve heard multiple times on the forums that when you play your first placement match, your SR is set to the average SR of all players. I don’t know how the level 1 to 25 of QP factors in. This is all I know, and not sure if it is accurate or not.

I’ve have one account placed in silver after placements, one in gold, one in diamond, and one one win away from masters.