If you hate watching GOATS, then nerf Rein

Bold claim their Cotton.

By everyone you mean you and all the people you imagine agreeing with you. The only reason it’s hated is because it’s not as strong as something else so it’s seen as purposefly losing. If everyone hated it tho, I’d never have 6 DPS games, and if it had no potential I wouldn’t have any fun and I’d never win. But I think those games are sometimes a lot of fun, because they’re so action packed. Tank and slow until ults up is SUCH a stupid waste of this game. If barriers were just one aspect of play instead of required it’d open up far more and give diversity. That’s just facts. 3 heroes is less than 30.

I’ve given tons of points. Some of them are listed numerically in the OP. Others are spread out in reply to you.

So you’re lying. So you aren’t trustworthy and arguing with you is pointless. Because you’re brainwashed and because you use false assumptions as truths.

You certainly don’t.

He works best with Orisa and always has, it’s part of why bunker is good now was the point.

No, I mean the thousands of threads you can search in this forum complaining about the state of quickplay, on top of the thousands from the old forum as well, and the thousands upon thousands on reddit.

you literally haven’t. the most compelling arguments you made were in OP, and any time their challenged you just point back to the points you made in op like repeating it somehow validates it.

If that’s what helps you sleep at night.


Numbani is one of Reinhardt’s worst maps.

But even then. He’s more viable than Orisa on Oasis or Winston on Kings Row.

Reinhardt is the most versatile main tank (unless you count Hammond). But even then he’s still the most comfortable for people to play around even when he’s not ideal

See, here’s what was actually said:

And then your argument was literally quoting what you said in the op… repeating yourself even though those exact points were the ones being challenged to begin with. Repeating them does not validate them. As I already said. This is getting ridiculous.

No. See, this is me resorting to ad hom.

Pointing out your a widow main who gets countered by tank heavy comps because tank heavy comps like goats and bunker are specifically being played so one shot, the team comp that Widow excel’s at can’t be played. The team comp that was so dominant it rendered every other dps in the game useless apart from hanzo and doomfist, who also had one shot abilities.

Your argument is from a place of bias and is masquerading itself as just for the greater good but in actuality, it only serves to further laminate one shot as the most dominant team comp because tank heavy comps become useless and can’t deter one shot.

See how that works?

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And you are the salty widow-main or what?
You made this thread, after seeing this thread:


Stopped reading there, did you realize GOATs is based on ultimate charge farming ?

Heh. Well, I guess imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

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If the glove doesn’t fit, you must acquit.

Nope. Still Winston GOATS.

I hope you are mad, that I took your thread.
But it was just too obvious.

Of course I’m not mad. Carry on, friend.

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So you’re like proud that the obvious thread title sharing you discovered it instead of realizing it right away? Ok buddy. Rein is far more deserving of nerfs, has a higher average win rate and insane pickrate and is considered one of three must pick heroes for tanking. Just telling some truth, since so many on the forums just jump on the bandwagon regardless of facts.

Nerfing someone not even in the meta to fix the meta do you understand how insane you sound?

Nothing beyond what you already did. Just giving a nice taste of your own medicine. I gave you hard stats, you gave assumptions. Every post of yours was either an offhanded put down or committed the fallacy of begging the question. Worse, those statements are easily disproved and then you just double down on them. So it’s not worth talking to you. You resort to ad hom when you lose and you never gave one real point. The only thing you’ve proven is that no matter how wrong your assumptions are, other biased Rein mains will back your view. There were at least 2 Rein mains in this thread who used their brain for it’s intended purpose tho so props to them.

If that’s what helps you sleep at night. I’ve more than proven my points. You’re free to stay in denial. Ignorance is bliss after all.

Look up what begging the question is, and then open up a page on tribalism. Very easy to call it out for what it is.

You really shouldn’t start playing fallacy roulette with me.

It’s not roulette, it’s what it is. Your posts have zero value, beyond bumping my thread at this point.

Hes not even meta anymore, and before goats wasn’t meta since season 2.

Rine is balanced. But players just believe he’s a must pick.

You thought me pointing out all you do is keep quoting your original post as evidence that your original post is correct is an ad hom. I then showed you exactly what an ad hom actually is, pretty validly I might add considering your reasoning for this thread to begin with. See, You spun the wheel and pulled a random fallacy out hoping you could make a point. You didn’t, because it wasn’t what you said it was.

Now you’re doubling down on it. “beggin the question” and calling anybody who contests your view point a participant in tribalism.

If you want to get technical here. your entire OP is begging the question. Your premis is that Rein is the reason for goats. You propose nerfing all barriers. You then proudly advocate for hurting the main tank role and support a possible 6dps composition as being a valid way to play Overwatch.

No facts for any of these mind you, just assumptions that frankly, can be disproved quite easy. We’ve seen pharmercy ruin goats. We’ve seen Wiston replace Rein. There are video evidence of this throughout the course of season 2 overwatch league. Goat’s is not the problem with goats. it has it’s counters and they work just fine.

Like at this point your just projecting. And now that i’ve called you out on it, you’re going to double down on it and probably accuse me of projecting.

You’re the guy that said I had no points made, when they were listed numerically in the OP. Then contradict yourself fin the next reply, saying I just repeated my points from the OP when I showed you to them so you couldn’t ignore them. Again, thanks for the bump but otherwise your posts are zero value.