If you had to one trick one hero, who would it be?

Amazing pick for tank, probably the most fun tank out there

  1. Rein

Heā€™s fun, simple, yet has one of the highest skill ceilings for techs and management of abilities. He has essentially no downtime and is the definition of a rhythm-based tank. Every single thing he does has an optimised way to do it. Every factor of his kit as some form of tech to it.

Good character.

A lot of heroes are like that and generally theyā€™re good.

I would argue Echo would be the best for one tricking since you can still play other heroes with her.


Probably Ram or Sigma. Cuz they can give head pats.

Oh, and their gameplay is versatile too. Even if tanking is donkey butt, thereā€™s just something majorly satisfying when you do good as them.

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Run. Run away and donā€™t look back. Youā€™ll only find pain over here.

I know my friend, i know, its not been easy, but one day the rats will rise again

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Torb for dps. Heā€™s pretty versatile and fun to play. Bap and Zarya if i had to pick those rolls as well for the same reasons. All three can do simple playstyle changes to help with counterwatch.

Or tickle Ganymede on Bastionā€™s shoulder from 10k away

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So hard to choose. If i have to pick one, it would be McCree, 6 shot revolver is never boring.

But i find joy in all Hitscans, Tracer if i want to play flanker, and i wish iā€™m good enough with Hanzo, Echo and Genji to have fun.

For support itā€™s used to be Ana, but now Kikiro takes the cake all day every day.

For Tank, it can only be either D.va or Hammond till end of time.

Speaking personally, in no particular order:

  • Speed being so much better than healing aura is boring to me. It makes the decision making and opportunity cost side of song useage feel shallow and uninteresting to me.
  • Iā€™m not the biggest fan of burst weapons, and a burst projectile weapon is even worse than a burst hitscan weapon for me myself.
  • Wallridingā€™s cool and all but even if it didnā€™t bring on my RSI (rip me :headstone:) I donā€™t like the way that nowadays with a 12m aura, in order to really utilise it, I donā€™t provide my team with my aura because I zoom out of range. I like providing buffs for the team.
  • Wallridingā€™s also janky as heck anyway. Itā€™s funny that Paraiso is supposed to be Lucioā€™s home turf.
  • As timeā€™s gone on, a real stigma against Lucioā€™s developed in low/mid ranks. I donā€™t have the patience or energy to put up with that crap. I donā€™t know when exactly this took root but it was definitely around during the last few years of OW1, too. Ana and co. enabled too many feeders with gross amounts of healing and Lucio paid the cost.

100% agree with both of these. Most OW2 maps are abysmal for Lucio and sad that Paraiso is terrible, awful, bottom tier, kill me bad

And yea I play usually around GM4-1 console and Iā€™ve never gotten a complaint about Lucio until I die 5 times in round 1 of koth

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Well, sometimes I play other heroes, but if I HAD to pick 1 for every rol, it would be:

-Tank: Mauga, I love miniguns, enough said.

-DMG: Venture, the most fun DMG kit.

-Support: Moira.

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Must be nice.

If youā€™re interested, this is the sort of stuff I get to enjoy witness down here in the scrub mines. But, uh, donā€™t click the link if youā€™re at work or something because the guy gets called racial slurs for playing Lucio.

(Video was pre-season nine so no boop fun)

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Mei, but Venture could easily take that spot

lol should be good.

had a soft spot for svb since that fake accuser thing happened some time ago

and he called me a voice of reason of the forums

I think one way to get past the Lucio hate is to one-trick him for the first 5hrs of a season. Then when teammates check your profile, they see youā€™re a Lucio player and that there is no reasoning with you

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[Tank] Reinhardt
[Damage] Venture or Ashe
[Support] Lucio

Rein is the hero that I have played the most, so I would choose him.

I one-tricked Pharah for 5 years. Iā€™d just one-trick her again.

Especially with Venture coming out.

Iā€™m gonna feast next season.


Not sure. I would have to think about it for awhile.

Zen too lmao itā€™s so funny.

I canā€™t count the number of times Iā€™ve actually had people say after a match ā€œomg Zen doing dps instead of healingā€.

Like what? lol


Thatā€™s absolutely a thing, donā€™t get me wrong, but - I donā€™t think that itā€™s as bad as it was. In OW1ā€™s twilight years? Yeah, Zen was right there as a public enemy along with Lucio. But while some feeders still tilt at having a Zen on-side, I think OW2ā€™s scoreboardā€™s helped to reduce that a bit (not entirely, sadly, but better than it was).

Zenā€™s design makes it easier for him to pad out his healing done on the scoreboard while still being fully effective. And if he pops a juicy ult when everyoneā€™s low? Hoo boy, thatā€™s more stats for the board.

Meanwhile, Lucio canā€™t pad his stats for free nearly as much, so feeders arenā€™t fooled at all.