If you didn't believe it before, believe it now

Yeah, i play ashe in open queue, got 78% win rate with her, when i about to rank to diamond, the game put me with a team heavier than lead, then loss…

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I can think of an indefinitely large number of ways. Here are two, for free:

Method 1: You pissed off the devs so they hardwire you a very high % loss chance.

neutral_list = []
naughty_list = [RePoRtS, Scoops, SleepyB34r,…]
nice_list = [any diversity streamer advertising our product, blizzard friends and family]
If Account_Name in naughty_list: Set_mmr = 4500;
If Account_name in nice_list: Set_mmr = 500;

‘’‘Assigns the naughty player an impossibly large, hardstuck, and hidden mmr, forcing them into nonstop losses. Possible win in the unlikely event they actually perform at near that level. Also spoonfeeds VIP gamers free carries and wins.’’’

Method 2: Assign onto team with biased session mmr.

If Account_Name.win_streak > 3: Account_Name.assign(TeamL)
While p(TeamW) < 0.99: ; Knapsack(TeamW, TeamL, active_player_pool, sr_range, mmr_range, gap)

“”“Attempts to knapsack players of nearby sr/mmr ranges into two teams, but assigns the player on a win streak to the team with very small odds of winning. Odds computed by difference in team harmonic mean mmr. “””

Mind the synthax/typos. Just showing how easy it would be to rig things. It’s so easy to rig/force, an accidental bug could do it. In fact, the set of possible code snippets that DOESNT rig things is very small compared to the set that does.

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You’re probably right. They have so much free time that they code an overly complex system JUST TO GET YOU. It can’t POSSIBLY be that you’re just not good enough to climb.

Also you don’t seem to understand how MMR works. That would put you with GM smurfs (on both teams) every game, and put the nice people with children playing on purchased, boosted accounts.

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No one is talking about ranking up. They’re talking about match difficulty, evidenced by player intensity and ability, remaining consistent and scaled correctly by rank.

I’m not using the TrueSkill/Elo mmr used as a “chase target” for sr. Jeff said in an interview they only use a +3 to -3 scale (and we don’t think that means standard deviations). I think of their hidden mmr as a weighting factor on the team. Natural weighting is 1/6, but this “mmr” can shift you to where it expects you to absorb e.g. 2/3 of the team contributions.

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Yeah, thats because you dont deserve to be plat yet. You already have to be plat skilled to climb to plat. Were you thinking about possibilty that you are maybe not plat skilled player?

And that a problem, your not changing game play is good to have lucky peak close to plat, but not enough to be plat.

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Prove it, show your replay codes from last 5 games.

So open queue is now rigged too? ::grin:

MM doesnt want you anywhere. He is placing you in games based on your skill.

Can i see this 5 hard carried games you lost anyway?

I climbed in solo q many times so you are wrong.

Dont you know? Blizzard created Rehoboam from Westworld and is using it instead of matchmaker to predict future and what will every person do in match. And thats how they are creating forced losses.

htt ps://westworld.fandom.com/wiki/Rehoboam

You seem to agree that the MMR is used by the matchmaking system to manipulate the difficulty of a match based on individual performance.

again, here you are making assumptions. on both the account you quote and this account, i’ve been plat multiple times. i’ve been as high as a few wins from diamond and have stayed in plat for entire seasons.

but, i don’t deserve to be plat according to you.

you assume a great deal without much info.

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What tilts players is when they see players clearly not at the right skill level.

And it’s not always the player’s fault.

Placements are hot garbage. Gold is the default for pretty much all new players. Nothing like having a Lvl 25 Genji squeaker on your team dive in 1v6 all game as he’s clearly bronze tier.

All this stuff about “you’re the same skill as the players at your Sr” is a crock

I’m misplaced on dps. I’m 2.1k. I’d likely drop at least 500 Sr as I haven’t touched the role since 222.

Then there’s the bull crap mmr matchmaker. My gm friend was seeing this in his gold smurf games (I duoed a few and saw this first hand). As his mmr was way over gold, he’d get utter bronze tier planks to try and carry. He was losing gold games when he was racking up 90+ elims on Pharah.

Something ain’t right with matchmaker…

Imo they need to drop this mmr bull crap and let ranks settle at consistent skill levels.


yeah, ive seen this argument too with nothing to substantiate it.

both this argument and xion’s now completely tired arguments ignore the many threads across all the brackets where players are expressing various levels of frustration with the match maker since 2-2-2 came into the game.

your arguments don’t address smurfs which are more common again due to 2-2-2. doesn’t take many smurfs to break the middle brackets.

if you actually played you’d see that players haven’t gotten any better. some have, most haven’t.

Then why is it readily recreatable to get teams of teammates that clearly do not belong at that SR once you hit near your own peak.

It should be the skill of the enemy team that feels overwhelming, not the increasing derpiness of your own teammates being the noticable variable.

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you’re a f’n moron. you’re suggesting GM smurfs are ‘dodging’ queue by playing one tier down, which also has insanely long queues?

that is really your argument? brilliant …

if you’re going to dodge queues you’re going to do it in the tiers that offer the lowest queue time. that would be mid gold to mid plat, where the majority of the playerbase is. and the queue times there are typically more than 10 minutes. even support can hit 10m in those tiers.

And yet you struggle to climb from gold and be stable plat. I wonder why.

Honesly show me your gameplay and I will admit I am wrong and you belong in plat if I see good plat play.

Master and Diamond queues are shorther than gold queues :smiley:

well, you herad it here folks. prometheus knows all the high ranked players and speaks for all of them.

thread over i guess.

you’re ‘smart’.

It clearly is, just like any other FPS out there.

I’m not sure why some are in denial about it.

It grabs 12 people based on ping+SR/MMR and tries to make a “fair” match. “Fair” is in no way 50/50 and the matchmaker knows which team is favored as it made the teams.

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I don’t understand the forced loss argument. It would be forcing the loss on 6 players at a time, not just you.

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If you believe you belong into plat, show us your gameplay and prove us wrong.

perhaps it has something to do with the instability of the meta ATM and how that translates to even worse average tank play which trickles down to an even worse experience for support players?

seems pretty logical to me. you’re the best coach in the forums though so i’m undoubtedly wrong.

the real question is when will you get tired of being a gigantic prick?