If you are going to buff Sombra, don't buff her frustrating parts

When it’s talking about the game in itself, then you shouldn’t really be hurt by it.
Your character definitely will die.

You mean an ability that makes you point and shoot? The only people I feel sorry for when I hack them are Rein and Brigitte, everyone else is fair game because they can still shoot.

Why do people always complain about what they assume is going to be changed without knowing anything about it?


yeah, why make hero fun if you just can wind up numbers, duh

You have 2 hours on Sombra which makes sense seeing as you think hack is so easy to pull off. Play her more and you’ll see why she can be frustrating. You think Moira is annoying for Genji, imagine being Sombra around her, it’s really, really, really annoying.

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Sombra will too at one point

some heroes have easier times, some not. You can’t just point and shoot in an ability team game. You’re basically useless in the team fight.

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For six seconds, God forbid you use your weapon. Lucio, Reinhardt, and Brigitte, are the only characters who can’t fight back full-throttle against being hacked. Two of them are melee-heroes, the other one just gets screwed over by hack x5. No heals, no speed, no wallride, no boop.

Which is why I apologize to Lucio in my tidbit. He really doesn’t deserve EVERYTHING taken away from him.


This makes no sense. At all. So you’re saying if I hack Genji or Mccree, they can’t shoot because it’s “ability team game.”?

You haven’t even played Sombra enough to comment on how easy it is to pull off. Play Sombra some more before suggestion what they should do to fix her because if you think Hack is always an easy, free kill then you have no idea how it is to play her.

Whichever buff she gets, I’m just happy she’s getting buffed, she needs it. I hope it makes Sombra more played, and Sombra won’t be considered a throw pick now. :blush:

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you cried for not having hack for 2 seconds while you can still use your weapn/escape/ult.

as I said, some heroes can fight back, but then again its an ability based game. The better ability management is team fights is better. Soldier is weak without his abilities, Hog is very weak without is TAB or hook, DF is useless. There are a lot more examples of this.

they can, but it disables their utility. McCree can do ok because his kit is more focused on his revolver, but Genji is not good at all after is abilities are down.

Hack is the strongest/buggiest point about Sombra and needs to be fixed bug wise and not strengh wise. It disables enemies in a team ability fight.

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Hmmm, wow, looks like you found out what Hack is used for…now do you see why it makes heroes and people who rely on abilities have a hard time…I don’t know, maybe because that’s it’s job?

Did you also know that flashbang makes it impossible for you to move, squishies have a hard time but tanks can survive because of their health.

Did you know Deflect is super powerful aswell because if you don’t have a laser, you have to stop shooting at Genji because your shots would reflect back to you and he’s usually close enough that he can dash into you and you’re basically forced to take damage.

You havent played Sombra enough to say this or encounter a fraction of the bugs so I’m assuming that you’re just echoing what you heard a Sombra main say but yes, hack has various issues that need fixing.

They didn’t say anything about buffing hack, I hope they help other parts of her kit.

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Just reducing her weapon spread and stealth delay won’t make her a better hero. And more buffs on the translocator are useless. And buffing hack is out of question. There are 3 options … huge buff to her stealth or dmg or medium to both.

Don’t take OP too seriously, they only played Sombra for 2 hours. And it would be nice if the translocator let you know if there were people in close proximity to it, we’ve all had games where it was tracked and camped.

How about buffing her intel-gathering prowess, like showing enemy ult % (instead of only whether it is ready/not ready), sharing infravision with allies, or even current enemy ability cooldowns (very useful to see if Mercy might go for a rez for example)?

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I’m not crying about not being able to use an ability, I’m ‘crying’ about the fact that it’s:
A. the EASIEST ability to interrupt, whether it’d be getting shot or the hack not going through because of fast movement (which is constant. Tracer now laughs at Sombra).
B. Currently, the BUGGIEST ability, alongside Earth Shatter and Charge.
C. The ONLY ability that she has that grants her some form of advantage over other damage-heavy DPS when it comes to confrontation. Leaving the fight is nice and all, but it takes you time to get back and time to make a comeback.

So don’t look at my post as shallow or contrived, because I adore this character and know more than some random pleb playing her countlessly with my friends during Customs and QP. I’ve seen her bugs, I’ve seen the ‘struggle’ of playing with and against a good Sombra, and I’ve experienced first hand the issues that plagues ‘LoS’ checks and latency compensation.

Well, hell . . . that title brought weird images to mind. I think I need to take a nap or something. :rofl:

Sombra doesn’t need a spread reduction she needs more damage or a gun that ignores armor. Stealth needs a damage threshold not a delay reduction. And translocator is honestly fine. Hack needs the cooldown when canceled removed or a damage threshold that’s not negotiable because LOS fixes aren’t gonna be perfect and right now a midfight hack is near impossible to land