If you are a sombra main

If Sombra is detected from twice the distance of course she’s a weaker hero. Especially after they design hero to be a “stealth operator” -.-

Do you play her the way you do, because she had limited stealth and translocator time? Or would you still have played her that way, even If she had infinite time since launch?

To be fair, the detection does not matter much if you are literally behind them. If you just rush a Zen from behind, he is not going to have time to react regardless of an extra 2 meter buffer.


You’re still 4 seconds slower because I could’ve ran past the choke on live without using a beacon in the first place to get the hack off on someone from somewhere I had no problem getting to.
There’s also no point in throwing your translocator BACK to your side if you’re literally playing the invisible hero. You’re just showing me how bad you are at this hero, dude.

And that’s where I stop wasting my time replying to you.

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I’m sorry but no, Hanzo’s pickrate skyrocketed because Storm Arrows is broken OP and he just provides a ton of damage, also he gets his ult so often almost every team now has a zarya to combo with him.
Sombra doesn’t and won’t provide a lot of damage or have her EMP more often.

They wanna make Sombra a scout lol.

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I play her the way I do because the pace of the game demands it. That happens to sit pretty well with the timers.

Spending longer trying to get around is usually counter productive. Your team misses you, you’re not getting ult charge, and it’s just not an efficient way to play her.


Exactly, Storm Arrows lowered his skill floor. Scatter was hard to use properly and gave him less value than Storm Arrows do. Hanzo ALWAYS got his ult often. The increase was negligible. People are just whining about it because he was never really played before.

This makes Sombra easier to play and therefore people who wanted to play her, but found it too difficult, are going to play this new version. Do not get me wrong, Hanzo SKYROCKETED because of the power. Sombra will not skyrocket, but Blizzard’s goal is to clearly increase the pick-rate WITHOUT buffing her. Hence why they just changed her.

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They might be encouraged initially, but it promotes bad habits that won’t bring success.

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I made a thread explaining in great detail why we consider these changes to be negative.

If you’re interested I encourage you to give the whole thing a read (it’s kinda long), but the tl;dr version is she’s recieved 4 very substantial nerfs for “buffs” which don’t address Sombra’s core issues. Many Sombra mains simply won’t make any use of the “buffs”.

And once people realize she’s still worthless in most cases (like she currently is) her pick rate will go down the gutter again :man_shrugging:

Right now I’ve just stopped playing her on my smurfs most of the time, even if I never die (I have like 5 elims per life), I can just do more with another dps so why bother? I became a main Doomfist and trust me that Zen that took me ages to kill before with Sombra just dies in a second against DF.

Edit : Hammond might help her pick rate if he’s played a lot because she counters him but even in this case you can just pick Mei instead and be more useful with the buffs she got recently.

Sombra mains probably won’t, at least in the beginning.
But there are quite a few players playing the game that aren’t sombra mains.

Lol. Anyways, I post my link because it answers his question as why the new Sombra is a nerf.

That is why I post my thread because it display both the positive and negative of these changes.

There is also additional information as to how she is being made played which is answered in the thread as well.

Therefore, I will not simply stop just because you say so… as what I posted is 100% related.

But thank you OGgiraffrey for your feedback. Hope you have a nice day as this conversation is over. :kissing_heart:

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They promote communication.

Tell your team to wait with the fight until you are in position. Then kill the healer.
Your team can now fight the whole enemy team 6 vs 5. And your team has the healing advantage.

But it still doesn’t explain why they made the worst character in the game at any level even worse. Again. We didn’t get a straight buff. We recieved four very substantial nerfs

Increased pick rate =/= Better character imo. Worst case scenario, we get more useless Sombra players who have no idea how to player her correctly.

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She isn’t worse. She is different.
Easier = / = worse.

she seems more cheesier than ever now, after playing one match as her

That is an excelent question. Not too sure. However, I always tried to help out my team as much as I could, especially during teamfights. I learned that sometimes 3 seconds is more than anoth to distract an enemy and backstab them afterwards (retorically) I learned that the translocator is not only a escape route but also can be used as an aggresive device. In the end I would have probably learned to play her the way I do now. As I said beeing invisible forever does not benefit you team at all.

Yeah but 9 out of 10 times they will just destroy it, before they would wait till you teleported