I’m not nice to people who want to be dense on purpose. You wait for 15 seconds because you said you choose to engage at any time as Sombra because she’s invisible forever. 15 seconds is just the arbitrary number I made up if YOU plan to engage from the backline WITHOUT a translocator up because without it, you WILL die.
My point remains the same. AT MINIMUM, 4 extra seconds to engage on a hack that I was fine pulling off on live granted her bugs didn’t stop me.
But if you insist to engage without the translocator just because you think you have more time to get into a better spot, will run you about 2-3 more seconds in her PTR speed. That’s 7.
Engage on something without your translocator? You’re dead. “But I can just use it while fighting” Except it has 5 HP so no, using it mid-execution is not reliable when the enemy can shoot it down. Dying costs you 10 seconds. That’s 17. Running back to fight? Another 7. Wow 25 seconds of doing absolutely nothing.
I am not sure if you are joking; however, I might seriously leave it in spawn because of the BS translocator range change. If stealth is infinite and you always have the 50 percent speed boost… You are not wasting THAT much time relative to before… Kind of.
It can also be argued that she hasn’t changed to much. The changes maker her slower but still has trans for mobility. So that argument that I can’t jump ledges doesn’t matter as much if you can be invisible forever and just translocate across the ledge infiltrate wait for reset and by the time you’ve infiltrated you already ha e trans throw it to your side and then go ham. I can find ways around the arguments.
That is a good point. A bit monotonous, but whatever gets the job done, I suppose. It makes me feel a bit better about the situation, that is for sure. Maybe I was just knee-jerk reacting which would be a bit weird as I am used to my characters changing quite a bit.
Yes, that’s exactly what I just said, she’s similar to how she was before so why change her at all if it’s to bring nothing to make her better and even nerf some things she could do?
They changed the wrong part of her kit.
Okay. Hanamura point a. Throw trans to ledge in right we’llcall that 1s infiltrate to behind in the hut with big health pack. That adds to 5s. Throw over the arch to land safely on my side. Now we’re at 6s. Engage. Why are you wasting so much time?
What kind of absurd red herring is that?
If we cut the range of D.va’s booster by half would you go “Why does it matter, does her bullets have so short range she needs to get that close?”
It’s only missing the point by a mile…
Is it a nerf to the bronze / Silver / gold players?
The console players?
Or is it only nerfing the top tier of pc players?
Because people complained about pick rates. This change should help with that.
One example I can think of which I won’t be able to do now is using the translocator as bait. One of my favourite things to do was go invis throw translocator at an enemy, watch them camp it the line up my shot behind them. Now that it’s destructible this won’t be possible. That for me is the biggest nerf.
To anyone who knows how to play her I guess.
I usually pick her if they have a too tough bunker setup or a very oppressive Widow. I only usually switch to her on certain maps and/or specific scenarios. Because most of the time any other dps is better.
Okay, listen. I know that everything you write here seems logical to you. In fact every change someone suggests seems logical to them, even if it is plain stupid idea. I´m not an exception on that one.
The greater picture is that we very few that argue with you here have tons of hours invested in Sombra. For myself it was about 160. Over the last 1.5 years we learned to use Sombra, to make her effective. That includes the workarounds for her limitations in stealth and the translocator. The point is: a good Sombra does not stay forever in stealth. We don´t even need the full timer on both abbilities. When you play her you have to ask yourself if it is worth infiltrating the backlines or help inbetween. What is the point of beeing invisible and waiting for the perfect opportunity to kill the Zenyata in the backline when in the meantime your team has to face a 5v6 and get slaughtered in the process.
I´m not saying the changes prevent that, but they don´t help either. As a matter of fact they change nothing about that. (You could argue that the translocator can´t be abused as bait anymore) However said nerfs make it harder for her to make her work.
To conclude: whats th point of beeing invisible forever if it doesn´t benifit your team in the slightest?
I was only half joking, on 2cp maps this will work very well (specifically point 2, use a mega not in the fight for point 1), and you are pretty much the best flanker in the game if you can aim. You are unkillable.
And exactly invisible 50% speed boost you still b-line to your target faster than anyone else.
I did this on PTR and it was highly effective in securing kills.
Which may not be standard sombra play, but really? like live sombra now on your team, who cares if she doesn’t communicate and hacks all these enemies, you never saw die on your kill feed?
(I’m not talking about the sombras that coordinate with their team, before everyone gets mad :P)
D.va is close range…
If you half her mobility then that would make her worse, but making the changes to sombra doesn’t do anything to her damage potential.
To be completely fair, D.Va’s bullets do have such a short range that it probably would matter.
How so? Sorry but I fail to see how being perma stealth and having an unlimited transolactor will make her picked more.
She won’t suddenly provide more dps or value. She’ll be mostly the same emp bot getting a pick once in a while in the backline or a teamfight and hacking a crucial target when needed.
Now you can bait them around a corner, or up on top of a roof.
The longer sound range makes it so that more enemies will go look for it.
Sorry everyone. I have to go to work. I’ll be back in ten hours.
It lowers her skill floor and that is often enough to raise pick rates. Look at Hanzo. Started from the bottom now we here. The real problem is it does nothing to solve the troll perception and if anything, it will be worse.