If you are a newbie then play easy heroes


Lol, posting pictures and actually no substance whatsoever.

You are a joke.

Antique is an idiot to apologize to the likes of you.

Someone who doesn’t even accept an apology regardless of your feelings.

That takes up a lot for man you do know that right?

Yet, you joust his level.
and keep jabbing at him.

You are a B-word that I would love to shout it at your face after how you acted.

“It takes a lot for those cold unfeeling men to apologize for something they did”

When in reality i was being painted as crying victim, by someone who genuinely seemed insulted by my being slightly creeped out by a remark they made directly towards me.

And who are you to barge in and decide anything?
I have no reason to explain myself to the likes of you, yet i take the time out of my day to do so, in hopes you learn something.

Again Chibi, That’s not how I looked at you ha…
I hope we’re cool…

I don’t necessarily agree with you op, though I understand your point.

It does seem logical for someone fresh into the game to learn the basics on a hero that isn’t quite as demanding as the others. For example, if you’ve never touched an FPS before, maybe don’t start as a widow one trick. Spend some time learning on a hero that’s a bit more straightforward.

However, I’d also argue that not all of the “easy” hero’s will make you much better at the game. I love mercy, for example, but her skill set isn’t particularly great at helping core skills like aim, which are far more important for most of the roster. You could argue game sense and positioning for her, but those skills are also important parts of learning all heroes. And you will learn them on all heroes.

I feel like it’s also important to try out those harder heroes because of how much experience they take to master. You’re unlikely to get good with Ana by playing mercy 24/7. The player has to at some point take the plunge into playing them. What level do you think is appropriate for that?

(I was overemphasizing to make a point.)

Also to assume it’s hard for men in particular to apologize in general, is kind of sexist.

If i were you i’d not take too well to that. just saying.

Wow how “equal” is it to call men cold & unfeeling?

You are such a hypocrite it makes me puke.

Lol in your own head once again…

LOL and he stated MULTIPLE TIMES he didn’t mean it that way.

If I smell BS and hypocrisy?
I barge in.

I’m pretty sure OP is capable of defending himself.

He seems like a big boy, I don’t think he needs you to rush to his side against the evil wimmens.

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Who called men less feeling and able to act as such?

Are you speaking english?
I’m genuinely concerned now…

You good?

Well that’s a flag. :roll_eyes:

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No, just accept his apology and get it done and over it or just don’t comment at all.

You joust all this time to mock his level and his opinion while you act like the Queen B of this entire thread.

You are, I repeat a hypocritical dumbnut.

They always come out of the woodwork don’t they?
it’s weird.

I think they can smell us.

It’s annoying.

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Oh, SO~ gender equal aye?


They always seem to come out of the kitchen don’t they?

What part of that original quote had ANYTHING to do with gender?

Trolling knows no gender. I don’t care what’s between your legs, there’s no reason to talk to people like that.

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Lol, if you don’t know that, then you are really an idiot.

Antique should just close this thread TBH.

YOu are a waste of time and space to talk to.


come out of the woodwork

phrase of woodwork

  1. (of an unpleasant person or thing) emerge from obscurity; be revealed.

Nothing about gender i see…

You’re the one coming in with quotes like:

I think it is 222. It is bringing a lot of crazies to the game and subsequently the forums. Tons of low post accounts trying extra hard to be edgy…

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