“If we tone her down too much, we will bring her back”

which is why i said that valk and rez were the problem and were the ones that shouldve been addressed not her hps. she’s had consistent healing, good mobility, and damage boost since before the rework. all those and yet prework mercy was never a problem. she was just an average hero with a possible yet undesirable gameplay.

at least we can both agree to that.

as for rez and valk idk. personally id prefer if they just remove rez as an ability and tie it to her ult then rework valk.

im not going to think about this deeply cause ive given ideas before and it never catches up but personally i think valk needs to be reworked. remove the chain beams never actually liked them and give her a healing aura that heals idk 20hps? 25hps? (her self healing would still be 20hps idk (edit oh god she has 20hps uninterruptable self healing in valk? this entire time i thought it was 10hps)) then give her 2? 3? rez charges (that work the same way it does now i guess) have it last idk 10 seconds?

for her e ability chain beams does have it’s pros so maybe the e ability would be chain healed to 2 people (the target and the closest to them?) but splits the healing power to 30 each? idunno about cd tho maybe itd be good to put this on a resource meter like defense matrix?

there s probably a lot of problems with those but my point being is that i simply do not like the idea of nerfing her hps cause it feels like after that she’s still be way too strong of a pick. like you said valk and rez was what made her relevant. i just dont like her hps and mobility being changed when that was never a problem.