If this "bug fix" goes live, moira will be unplayable

I mean, if our tank or DPS doesn’t overextend into an enemy shield, then I can heal fine. but if I can’t get to you…

From what I understand is that Moira’s healing won’t go through shields to heal her overzealous teammates, despite even a sliver of a window being open for you to do so.

It’ll be stifling, but I believe it can be worked with. This is just my two cents on it though :confused:

The heal not working in this situation is fine to you?


@Katuchi-2459 , that is a problem and needs reporting and is what I am assuming everyone is complaining about.
Not being able to heal through a barrier isn’t, she was never supposed to.

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Ana Can’t heal through a barrier, but Can heal when a barrier is around but his teammates are not behind It. (I Hope you understand what i mean, if you see the video you Will understand)
Moira Simply can’t now.
Anyway, comparing Moira and Ana It’s stupid. Moira has no utility besides burst healing, if this Change go on live Moira Will became useless.
And Mercy Will be more dominant and a Must pick.

I’m willing to work with it (or around it, w/e), so yes.

I wouldn’t call Genji’s ‘fixes’ a fair comparison to Moira’s healing spray not being able to even heal someone within LOS just barely touching the shield barrier. Genji is still a strong hero despite all his fixes. Moira however will be severely weakened if her nerf goes live unchanged, with all the shield barriers in this game. Mercy will likely get a spike upwards in her pick rate and may unfairly be once again on the chopping block for being nerfed (when actually she needs a rework later on).

See Moira's 'bug fix' is worse than we think ( Proof )

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Well thank god you don’t design any games.


i wouldn’t say completely unplayable, but borderline troll pick…? maybe. i played her in a couple matches and she was fine, but those matches also had no barriers. the one match that had a barrier was a winston and yeah, it blocked me from healing my critical health orisa who almost died.

i’ll be sad wanting to play her in comp but having to switch to mercy because the enemy happens to have a shield.

which will be every game.


Remember when deflect was nerfed and 'it was done badly and genji was getting headshot through it? Remember when people complained about this and the response was it’s a bug and will be fixed? Well the interaction in the video is a bug and will be fixed. Moira healing through barriers has always been a bug



This Kamran guy has his profile hidden since day one to avoid criticism and has the worst, selfish personality I have ever encountered, perhaps close to a trolling one.

Do no feed him, he is most probably one of the ‘dps main classics’ and has no dignity to show it.

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thing is, i think that’s how it’s supposed to work… any part of her healing cone touches a barrier and the entire thing gets blocked.

whether or not they’ll change it… we have to wait and see. i hope they do, but with all the sombra bugs and rein bugs going unchanged… i’m a little worried.

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Aren’t you the person who claimed that heroes should be balanced not according to high ranks but silver rank like, yesterday ?

That’s not how it’s supposed to work, but it is how it has been coded to work. There is a difference. Just like When the hitbox of deflect was messed up and he could be headshot. It’s just a bug like that was a bug

He said majority I think…which is equally a bad idea

Look at Ana. We could never heal through barriers. Welcome to our reality. :wink:

No. I merely tried to explain the holistic balance philosophy the devs actually use, which considers a hero’s position across the ranks as a whole.

But you were the person who tried to use my rank to silence me.

I just want it clear though: Moira healing through barriers has always been a bug and if they choose to fix it, so be it. Just like deflect hitbox. However the fix that has been put on PTR clearly goes beyond what they intended just like when you could headshot through deflect.

In other words I can understand being opposed to this version of the fix because it messes up a lot just like being headshot through deflect however it being done properly is something I don’t think will effect much.

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it is how it’s supposed to work (hitbox touches barrier = healing nullified) but i don’t think it’s what they really wanted. it works normally for how it’s coded but it’s basically a bug because it doesn’t work how it should. honestly i don’t know how they can fix it without messing with hitboxes or something, but i’m not a game dev so :woman_shrugging:

Im reporting you for rank bullying. It was one thing to try it in the other thread, but carrying it over to multiple threads is legitimate harassment now.