If they go through with a role queue

Or another major competitive reform,

What do you think it’ll be like? Or rather what would you want it to be? Note that this is under the presumption and hypothetical situation that they will/did. Even if you don’t want a role queue, what would make it the most tolerable for you?

Personally if they go through with it, I’d want to see 4 roles to queue for. 1Tank, 1DPS, 1 Support, and 3 flex positions. Thus you’d always have 1 of each role. It’d allow for a lot of different strategies while trying to limit as few as possible. Restricting the game to only 2-2-2 majorly limits the number of comps, whereas just about anyone on the forums will tell you the annoyance of 6DPS comps. This would try to find a pseudo-happy medium.

I’d also kind of like for them to do individual ranks for the different queues in tandem with this. So you’d have a Tank rank, a DPS rank, a Healer Rank and a Flex Rank. And at the end of the season they would average to display your total rank.

I’m still, at my core, against telling someone they can’t switch roles or that they have to play a specific role the whole match, but if they do role queue, this would be what I’d be most pleased with.

I think something like this could work.

More of a streamlined way to join a leaderless LFG group as a role, that then automatically starts queuing for comp.

I don’t want a role queue, but a role preference. It’s basically the same without the lock on other roles.