If the next hero isn't a support

Monkey brain devs are going to do whatever they want regardless of it’s good for the game or not

…no, that’s not ‘two new tank heroes…’ :rofl: :thinking: :upside_down_face:

If it’s mauga, screw you all support players.


We better get Mauga

How exactly does it seem that way? Please enlighten me what even remotely hinted towards this?
Besides leaks about Junkerqueens kit, we know absolutely nothing.

That kit is basically a tank kit when you put it all together.

Of course only if it’s true but I’ve seen videos that basically proved it to be pretty much confirmed, I’d be shocked if it wasn’t accurate somehow.

I mean, yeah I agree that her kit seems like a tank or maaaybe DPS, definitely not support, but my question is, what makes you think that Junkerqueen will be revealed or the only character to be revealed?
They could either save her for later or have more than 1 hero to show.
My question was more towards “seems like it’s just going to the junker queen”
They could have multiple heroes, they could have the second new gamemode they had mentioned a long time ago, new maps, new reworks, etc.
Of course they likely wont have all of that, but to say they will probably only have 1 hero is whack

Because I have 0 faith that the current team even has the ability to reveal more than what their execs, marketing team, and higher-ups will even permit them to do. I am totally open to being wrong and being surprised but after 2.5 years of nearly 100% silence and a lackluster first beta test, it’s hard to actually believe there would be more than her.

I also am just tired of getting my hopes up for the bare minimum just to see them do less than the bare minimum lol.

And I am aware it’s been a mess internally for them and the dev teams but man, it’s still nearly inexcusable to treat your players nearly as bad.

I don’t care too much about new heroes. I just want them to give each and every role and hero more solo carry potential. I’ve been playing Brawl Stars lately and their horrible hero balance reminds me of Overwatch.

OW1 isn’t as bad as Brawl Stars balance-wise, but that’s how the game feels like a lot of the times when I play quickplay. Overwatch’s competitive mode is alright balance-wise, but that’s only because of good matchmaking. And with less and less players playing this game, the matchmaker can only do so much, they still need to fix the core hero to hero balance issues. The game is too team dependent and individuals don’t always feel like they have the power to turn the game around when there’s too much team-diff.

Only a handful of e-sport games have high solo carry potential and they tend to be games like Valorant, StarCraft 2, and Rocket League.

If the change to the OW2 heroes page that happened during the first beta is anything to go by, we’re to expect one of each tank and support, which is great news.

I can’t tell if Junker Queen is a tank or dps.

The youtube video notes states she is a tank.


i’m not interested in healers since i play tanks (happy for junker queen not being a dps), but yeah, supports could use a bone.
The fox hero seems to be a healer at least, but who knows if she’s gonna be in the next beta.

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Let’s talk about Sym for a second = “Support confirmed?” - General Discussion - Overwatch Forums (blizzard.com)

That foxgirl support crap is so disappointing… This kind of concept is just way too generic and overall bland and boring.

I don’t know why does Overwatch need Paladin’s IO

What were the changes? Never saw or heard of this till now. Also someone said Sym’s reworked ult was leaked / hinted. What is it?


Doom’s role shift encourages a different playstyle, and Orisa is completely different. I’m willing to budge and say 1.5 new heroes. The tank queues were the longest in the beta for a reason…all the shiny new stuff.

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It was a content creator experimental card where they gave the balance reins to 4 content creators in the community, 1 for tank 2 for dps 1 for support, they did support symm it was garbage

Primary damage reduced from 60/120/180 to 40/80/120, secondary fire damage reduced to 80 from 120, (it dealt increased damage to non heroes)

Sentry turrets got a health buff to 50, and healed allies instead each one was 20 hps, a 20% range increase, build time reduction cooldown reduction, teleporter gave 40% move speed to players that use it for 2 seconds (10 second internal cooldown) and photon barrier also had its health axed, duration reduced and ult cost slightly reduced

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Oops looking like I am right so far. The next hero is a tank and they soft confirmed at least 1 support with that fox character. But only 3 max is what it’s looking like after 3 years of waiting. So sad and pathetic lol.

Reworks are not new heroes in the way people use the term ‘new heroes’ and I just found using that as a ‘point’ to say what hero role should be next is disingenuous… :wink: