If the next hero isn't a support

In the last beta we got Tank Doom and Orisa’s rework, essentially two new tank heroes.
We haven’t gotten a new support in 3 years…unless you count that support sym experimental card :woozy_face:



I think they should release a support as well, but from the leaks we got of the Junkerqueen it looks like she might be a tank. I mention her because some people think she is likely to be in the next beta.


Would be ironic when in the dev blog post today they made a fuss about listening to the community when we’ve been complaining about the lack of supports/support attention :skull:


Community also wants tanks


Supports got nothing in the last beta apart from a fun little zen passive, this beta should contain at least something for us. Hopefully, we see Moira changes and maybe even a dps moves to support as they did with doom, my bets are if they ever do move someone it’ll be sym but just need to wait and see.


I actually think it’ll be a tank seeing as low interest in tank play is what caused a lot of the issues with queue times in OW1, and they were probably working to mitigate that problem for OW2 but before the beta revealed that support has now become the new bottleneck in queue times. So I predict new tank first, then new support. And hopefully with new heroes in each role to try, queue times will even out.


Tanks get 9 heroes to choose from for 1 person and had 2 fresh Tank heroes to play with last beta. Also every Tank hero got buffed and felt way better to play and CC was removed from other roles to make their role more fun. Supports have to split 7 heroes between 2 people and got literally nothing of interest last beta. Tanks can wait a bit while Support gets new toys.

If the Devs give a new tank next beta and no new Support, they deserve all the backlash that goes their way. :person_shrugging:


I did not feel like 1 Tank was an improvement over 2 Tanks. I need more play time though, last beta was giving me bad headaches when I played. No reason though that Tanks and Support cant both be given new toys!

Idc gimme mauga,doom doesnt count they just made him lamer winston

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We need more supports than tanks right now but we still need additional of both more than anything else in the game right now.

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Seems like it’s just going to the Junker Queen whos been theorized to be a tank so GGs. Blizzard is inept and slow as usual lol.

If the developers listened to the community, they wouldn’t have to tell us that they do.

I don’t care what role it is but what direction it shows the game will take. Not another cc based support

We need nothing but tanks and supports for next few heroes. There are plenty of DPS. I wish there were enough of every role that we could institute draft in comp games. Draft is the best way to solve intra-patch balance issues.


It really is yee. The devs did try something similar with banning heroes with high pickrates for awhile to make for some match variety but the one tricks complained too much.
And PLEASE not a hero who’s only job is mass amounts of healing ffs.
Want Supports, not healbots that result in slow stagnant matches

We don’t

I just wish that Supp Sym was available and functioning for more than 6 days…

The closest thing we supports had to a new hero in 3 years, and they didn’t even work for 1/3rd of their limited-time availability.


If we do get dps heroes hopefully they are like Reaper or Mei and can fill the role of a tanky dps.

I think everyone gave up on the idea too easily. A support Sym could work but the ExC version was buggy and broken. Sadly that soured the idea for most players.


Monkey brain devs are going to do whatever they want regardless of it’s good for the game or not