If resurrect is so problematic

Nah, she really is. Ana in diamond and above is getting 50% winrate just fine. Mercy is still a must pick though.

Mercy also has a 50% winrate. That statement is irrelevant.

Mercy’s winrate is skewed by the fact she’s in every game on both teams. You can tell because her pick rate is so high. So there’s always a mercy winning and a mercy losing.

You can say the same thing for Ana. And for every hero that’s picked on both teams. Once again. Irrelevant statement.

A pickrate merely shows how popular a hero is to play. It has nothing to do with how balanced the hero actually is. Tracer and Genji both had / have high pickrates despite being more or less “balanced” for years. Ana was a “must pick” during the tank meta. Pick rates are not a reliable source of data to determine hero balance.

Does Ana have an insane pickrate?

Yes, and Meta in overwatch isn’t real.

I really belive anyone who complains about ressurrection has to be Widow or Hanzo picking people 2km away from the frontline - because currently, ressing mid battle means both Mercy and the person being ressurrected dies.

You make it sound like she has either of those things rez doesn’t feel good to use according to many mercy players and it’s a majority of her impact but it’s not playmaking like mazz rez was there’s no BOOM with it like trans sound barrier or death blossom, It just happened and you had a big impact because of it

Also tracer and genji had no real hard counters untill brigitte came out. Technically sombra was supposed to shut them down as well but she’s currently a buggy mess.

True, but it is limited to 1 person and has a slow cast time. If you can’t use your god aim to take down the Mercy who is reviving the person you just killed I don’t know what to tell you.

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It’s almost like Zenyatta doesn’t do this exact thing when he ults. If Res went back to the ult spot and Valk became an E then I could see no problem with an ult that grants something powerful like that.

Resurrect is not a problem. The community’s perception of Resurrect is a problem.

“Omg Mercy just Resurrected an enemy on the other team, that’s so broken wtf.”

“Mercy just Resurrected me so I could use my Pharah Barrage into the Zarya Grav OMG Mercy you are the best.”

Goes both ways.



Mercys super high pickrate is simply because she is by far the easies to play support bar Lucio, but Lucio atm is the weakest.

Ana/Zeniyata/Moira even Brigitte require lot more hands on approach to play. Currently Mercy lacks mass ress of past, so her being in team means minus one DPS. Yes she has most consistent healing and ress (which only is useful if you “pick” single enemies from enemy team, which is useless by default as OW kinda revolves around ball of death), but at price that its potentially 5 players vs 6 doing the killing. Which, quite matters as Moira/zen/brigitte are quite strong on themselves (Moira can also heal better than mercy, but most spend her orb and ult on dps instead of heal).

it’s equally frustrating holding the point for 5 minutes only to have someone press Q and magically wipe you out, but that’s part of the game. There are many other frustrating parts as well, how about duelling someone 1v1 and almost have them, only to have Ana or some other healer come in and heal them, and you end up dead. If you’re to remove or change something based on frustration, then you need to start with a whole heap of other things in this game.

A “prevent death” ability would probably be even more frustrating to play against than rez.

Getting someone to the verge of death, only for Mercy to make them immortal for a few seconds - or even worse, casting it on an ulting hero like Genji or Soldier would definitely be Monitor Smash moments.


You know Mercy freezes at place while ressing, becoming completely immobile target, and the person who is being ressed can be killed in process of it?

I really don’t get what people complain about. In 99% of situations ressing in combat means both mercy and person being ressurrected dies. Ress is only effective if you cleared the enemies and just want to reduce for person ressed the run from spawn.

Problem is, whatever is going to wipe your team is counter able in some way. If you get wiped by someone pressing Q that is entire your own/teams fault.
Mass res was never counter able other than click on her 4head

Dude, Mercy was outclassed by Moira according to every stat just a few months ago and Zen had a way higher winrate.

Only because Mercy mains where sulking after she got nerfed and refused to play her.
They have slowly realised she still stupidly useful, shown by her ever increasing pick rate.

Over last 6 months

End of feb is the nerf, been going since then.

She did in the past. Now she does not, and it’s the devs fault for not reworking her or buffing her to viability. Not Current Mercy.

Once again. Pickrate = / = hero balance. Once again, you missed my point. Ana’s pickrate does not determine how balanced she is, because she WAS a mustpick until Mercy got a rework.

The only difference being that Mercy ALSO had a way higher winrate than Ana (almost a 20-30% higher winrate). Ana had a stable winrate back then before that, and was what Mercy is now in terms of her pickrates during the tank meta - not OP, not underpowered, but used in just about every comp. After Mercy’s changes and the updates that neutered tank play, she no longer became viable. That’s not the faulty of Mercy, that’s Ana’s kit being not adaptable enough to survive changing metas.

Reinhardt has a higher pickrate than Mercy right now. Are you saying that he should be nerfed then? Because if that’s what you truly believe, I would suggest researching as to what balancing a game properly actually entails.

Metas and Pickrates have nothing to do with eachother. They shouldn’t be seen as one and the same.

Yup, and just like their winrates were lowered, Mercy was nerfed and her winrates are back in check. This is why I say that nerfing her won’t solve the problem, the problem is much deeper than Mercy. It’s an issue with a lot of her “competitors” Being BELOW average.

Dedicated healers? No infinite sustain.
Mercy Counters? So un-viable that they aren’t a consistent threat.

You mentioned Sombra (actually one of Mercy’s actual counters), and I agree, sombra being basically F-tier is also part of the reason as to why Mercy has survived in terms of her winrates, since Sombra was one of the few who could approach a Mercy in her team and effectively take them out with little worry about being killed (even though everyone counters Mercy already on a 1v1).

Unlike Tracer and Genji who could counter Mercy exclusively well too, Sombra is more resistant to Brigitte (since of course hack > shield bash) than those two. But shes so far down the rankings due to her underpowered kit that the other two out-compete her

Mass resurrection was easily countered through teamplay, communication and ultimate budgeting. The problem was that people spend 3-4 ultimate abilities to wipe out an entire team without taking account the Mercy. That’s poor planing, poor teamplay and should rightfully be punished by having it all undone.

The game now is moving more and more towards Call of Duty by removing more and more of teamplay. It rewards solo killing more than teamplay, and we have nothing in the game that prevents them and encourages teamplay.