Who would be the most broken? (Assume headshots damage stays the same).
Most likely bastion due to high bullet count
God tier image
Highest fire rate in the game
Random crits combining with all DMG boost, oh yes.
I mean imagine getting hooked as Zarya and instantly dying from a critical meatshot.
Probably Ashe if she’s allowed a Mercy boost, otherwise Widowmaker. Just keep going for bodyshots, one of them will one-shot.
I’ll leave it to a more brave person to post that image. It is funny though
Soldier. Can you imagine it??
Once upon a time, there was a class-based shooter that had random crits.
It had a Soldier too.
(and it was dumb and they patched it out)
Sym. She can’t crit at all right now.
Probably everyone since Overwatch has much higher rates of fire and reload speeds than any comparable TF2 character.
Of course it could be just as easily said that it would barely make a difference since everyone in this game can put out insane amounts of damage normally anyway.
Seriously, Overwatch feels more like a 100% crits server than actual TF2 a lot of the time.
Fire rate doesn’t mean much as far as crit damage when the damage per bullet is that low. It’s a balance between high damage for high crit damage and frequency with not too slow of a fire rate. So as you can see it wouldn’t make much of a difference to tracers bottom line. However with someone like Symmetra with random criticals on a primary that does 4 ticks per second at 180damage a second which is 45 damage per tick four times a second. There is a lot of potential there vs say Mccree which is 75 every what 1.2 seconds? There is a lot less potential there.
I’d have to say Bastion or D.Va, just by the sheer number of rounds, probability would favor a higher Crit count on those two.
Why not just give this to Bastion as a passive? Too good? Might make him more useable.