If NFL teams were created by random lot each week, coaches would prize a different skill set from what they do currently

teams are drafted: coaches do one thing

teams are drawn by random lot: coaches do another

now if you guys didn’t have the time or money to make an awesome LFG from the start, it’s understandable. But to continue down this path is a low down dirty shame.

rant over :sob:

Good think this is a video game that basically none if us play at a pro level.
Which, at the pro level the teams, like NFL, aren’t random.

So your point is more than void. It held no merit in the first place.


right, because little league teams are drawn up via random lot. and the teams change after each game.

What are you on about?
Is this english?

don’t say ‘what are you on about’

What are you trying to say cause none of what you said makes any sense

that’s your problem, not mine

Gonna have to agree with spanky. I honestly couldn’t figure out what your point was (not trying to be a dick, just trying to figure out what you were trying to say)

teams are best formed by drafting, not by rolling dice

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Actually, the person making the argument has the burden of 1) proof and 2) communicating it in a clear and concise manner

We just want to know what you’re trying to say so we can properly reply

They often are, it’s called a blind draft

but someone can say “I don’t understand” until eternity ends

do they redraft the teams after each game?

Not really…any reasonable person will want to understand you first before making a rebuttal

Of course not, but they aren’t working with a player pool of thousands and thousands. What are you suggesting, that you just get 1 team you can play with for a whole season?

I’m not saying the correct way to do it, I’m just pointing out the incorrect way to do it.

here’s the correct way to do it QoL for the LFG sure you don’t get the same team over and over, but it’s certainly not random

he said “what are you on about” I reread my post, it makes sense, he’s just not trying hard enough. show me where my statements need clairficatioin… and more to the point, he didn’t even say which part he didn’t understand.

If I speak for 3 minutes, and your only response is “what?” you really expect me to take that seriously?

Hmmm ok I see what you’re getting at now. I honestly think comparing it to a professional level sports team is a false equivalency.

Competitive ladder/LFG is more analogous to a pick-up game. You typically go to a park and play with whoever is playing there. In a pick-up game, you don’t know how good your teammates will be either

Maybe have a clan system?

Just had a dps on Pharah that managed to blow themselves up three times. Then left as enemy stormed it in for 3-0.

Think they got one final blow?

All well and good practising heroes. With a clan you could do that in an organised fashion.

Not throw the game for five strangers, then get the hump and leave.

I’ve written this season off completely. It’s more random than QuickPlay right now.

I’m just practising random crap as well. If so many people are soft throwing then I’ll join them.

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Not to mention this is like showing up to a pick-up game where there are 10,000 other players

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but you see the same faces, and you don’t make teams by random lot, you have a 2 captains and they choose their players

that’s incorrect, the same people go down each Saturday, sometimes they bring their friends. you see a familiar crowd.

Now this I can get behind. I would call it a “team” system but analogous to clans in other games, anyway. Perhaps they even get their own competitive mode and the SR is for the team instead of individuals.

I think something like this should be the next “big” thing they work on.

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