If Mercy were to get changed

I agree that burst is fun but if we’re talking about 60hps vs 50hps it’s the same boring gameplay that Mercy has always had. People were still complaining that Mercy was boring before she got her 60hps nerf.

Changes I’d give to Mercy because she is not getting enough value when looking at stats on Overbuff, but also to make her feel better for the person playing her & play as intended:

Caduceus Staff

  • Healing increased from 50 to 55 per second


  • Cast-time reduced from 1.75 seconds to 1.5 seconds
  • Movement speed during cast increased from 25% to 35%
  • Cool-down reduced from 30 seconds to 28 seconds
  • Cast can no longer be interrupted due to distance from the target


  • Resurrect cast-time reduced from 1.5 seconds to 1 second
  • Regeneration self-heal increased from 20 to 30 per second

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to fly very high vertically without a vertical Guardian Angel target (no more super-jump, it’s like Mercy can do Baptiste’s Exo-Boot ability)
  • Fixed a bug that allowed Mercy to move full speed while Resurrecting a teammate during Valkyrie (it’s a bug on the PTR)

Don’t think burst healing for Mercy is the way to go outside of a potential new ult. It might be worth upping the healing to 55 hps though. Current form or rez needs to burn, nobody likes to rely so heavily on luck to perform what’s a “normal” ability. If it needs more than 20 s cd it’s not an ability, it’s a mini-ult (yeah, looking at you too Baptiste).

But it’s reinforcing “hold left click and don’t die” the best way to make Mercy less boring?

I would want some form of Burst Healing in a small radius when successful getting off a resurrection.

This is what I’d want for Mercy

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Yup, I also figure instead of making it a burst heal, they could make it something like a Soldier heal with high hps.

The issue with Mercy isn’t that much of her gameplay is connected to her beams, it’s that current version is all about the beams and the rest is an ability that’s only really working well in higher tiers where people actually communicate and protect the Mercy (ironic given she’s supposed to be more viable in lower tiers). Mercy needs an engaging E that allows for the player to show skill either in aiming or timing/cd management.

GA for example is very simple, but the way you can use bunny hop and super jump to move about makes the skill fun and a way to determine the proficiency of the player.

Valkyrie is for many “more of the same” except now you don’t even need to manage the beams. I know many like the pew-pew, but I really dislike leaving the team completely to try to solo a Widow.

Okay, but isn’t the problem still “hold one button and don’t die” or “Do that annoying rez thing”?

The “no dying part” can be pretty… exhilarating. Using GA to dodge attacks while continuing to perform your role as healer feels pretty good. Hence why rez feels so bad, it feels like it’s up to everyone else except you whether the rez goes through or not. You don’t the decide when or where to rez someone, just whether the given conditions is enough of a risk… and there’s always a risk, unless of course the whole enemy team died. It feels like using Reaper’s Shadow Step or Sym’s Teleporter - you’re just as likely to die as benefit from it if any enemy is nearby.

So mechanically it needs to be reworked to at least feel better to use if they insist on keeping it as an E. As for a new ability, cleanse has been suggested before and I do think it has merit as it’s already a rare ability (only Zarya has it) and could give Mercy an edge the other healers don’t have.

Well, let’s ask a simple question. If Rez is to be counter-able, and the risk is changed to be a different type of risk.

Should Mercy have the risk, or should the rez target have the risk?

I’d say another option is opening it up for more “failures” that doesn’t involve Mercy being so passive. But I’ll have to get back to you on that one, I used to have a rework proposal but Baptiste kinda messed that up for me…

Well here is an example,
Mercy can collect a soul, and she has to carry that soul for # sec to do a Rez.

But taking even 1 point of damage causes her to drop the soul.

Too punishing I would say, ask any Sombra player. I was more thinking of putting a sort of “bless” on a target for 2 seconds - if health goes below 0 it “rezzes” immediately while if it doesn’t the hero receives health regen similar to what Mercy has in Valkyrie. This would be a projectile (so can be missed) and enemies can see the bless and stop shooting and wait with the crit until after the effect is gone (similar to Zarya’s bubble, although maybe this is too similar).

Well, how high would the damage threshold need to be to make it interesting?

You would have to ask people in general I guess, I’m just afraid we might go back to “only rezzing away from the team fight” like we already kinda have to do. I’d rather put the risk more on what the Mercy is able, or not able, to do if that makes sense?

Although it’s not the only thing that bugs me about this somewhat trash rework, what bugs me about resurrecting someone is the fact you can’t even do something else while being turned into a slow motion and locked out player for nearly two seconds. I wouldn’t mind being slow as much if it meant I could still use my pistol or heal someone near me.

Well, how about you can rez a Soul instantly.

The Soul is basically a 150hp Hero that can’t shoot, and can only walk or jump.

Also the soul isn’t invincible, or maybe only for like 0.5sec.

And if someone survives as a Soul for 4sec, then they are revived, with full HP.

I dunno, anything instant and I can really feel people going ballistic. :laughing:

But really, I feel like I’ve hijacked your thread, which wasn’t my intention at all. You don’t need to please me, keep going with your own ideas. :slight_smile:

Nah it’s great. Just spitballing ideas anyways.