Who do you think all the healer girl/boyfriend pocketers would play?
Lifeweaver, because he’s the same ability to pocket
Either that or Juno/Kiriko because waifu bait
Moira, definitely.-!
They wouldn’t play Overwatch, period. Part of the appeal of this game is it has a wide batch of heroes with different playstyles, including Mercy. I have many people on my friendslist for whom Overwatch is their first FPS game, most of whom started with Mercy.
That is a risk that I am willing to take
Hope your main gets deleted too, then
Already has, Orisa 1.0
I wouldn’t take that risk with that name being so on the nose.
“Let’s listen to the tank guy about supports. No way this has any bias baked in”
Supp is actually my highest rank. I like support. I actually think the girl.boyfriend mercy is more of a dps problem with the damage boost.
The bigger question would be if Kiriko would get even more skins or would Mercy’s be passed down to a different waifu? 6 Kiriko skins a season or 3-4 Kiriko skins and like 3-4 for Widow?
Be crazy if Kiriko got deleted. Would the flood gates just open on one hero or would like 2-3 get her wardrobe?
Thats part of the issue. There is a pretty big dev favoritism towards certain characters, which almost assuradly aligns with skin sales.
Lifeweaver/ Moira/ Brig/ Juno the other braindead heroes
Mercy healbots trying to play Kiriko is hilarious and a hard throw
10 cats and kittens
None because OW budget would be slashed in half
I like this answer. From Egirl to EMAN
thats easily Lifeweaver even tho his kit is a bit different its still handled roughly the same way
From pilot to fisherman