If Mercy is so strong, then why not make other healers stronger too?

Thing is more healing isn’t good for the game rn why do you think we are in one shot city


I know.But it would help I guess.

all youre doing is basically making widowmaker/hanzos effect more powerful as mercy is the only real counter to them. We are in one shot city because hanzo and widowmaker are so much better than the other dps, and if not for mercy countering a hanzo/widow pick ttk would be so dang low, and theyd be even more impactful.

Welp that relative…One can always go D.Va or Winston.But they aren’t meta.

those 2 stopped being a widowmaker counter the moment she got her grapple buff, and stopped being a hanzo counter when he got his rework.

No Jeff thought Mercy was balanced two and a half months ago when she did seem balanced.

I made this post 6 days prior to Jeff’s “Mercy is fine” post.

When Mercy and Moira pickrates were nearly tied.

until people finally realized how powerful the rest of mercys kit was and not just a rez bot, yea i guess she was okay.

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Uf yeah.Her grappling hook is kinda the most annoying part,she’s like spiderman now.They should put it to atleast 10 seconds.

whats really funny is people are blaming brigitte for dive dying, when in reality hanzo wouldve killed dive just by himself, as well as widowmaker. Hanzo is atm one of reinhardts crutches, and reinhardt needs 2 to be meta, and he always has one with zarya.

I can see dive dying completely in owl once they get symmetra, theres a ton of maps where dive is needed due to high ground, but sym makes everyone able to get high ground easy

This game is dropping in quality because the devs are ignoring the feedback from their playerbase? That’s basically how it feels. Peronally the changes I would make are:
1.Nerf Storm arow from 6 to 5
2.Increase grappling hook CD to 10-12 seconds
3.Give poor Ana some shields(50-100)


its not that they are ignoring feedback, its more so they pincered themselves. Check my first post here and see how.

And this: She’s in a good place, anyone less powerful in some way should be buffed. NERFS are for the WEAK!!!

Mercy didn’t become a popular pick until Mercy 2.0. Changing Resurrect to be a normal skill was a badly thought out move, and she’s been overpowered ever since that happened. Each of the nerfs she’s received since are trying to find a way to balance having a ultimate for a normal skill.


Yup. This game needs deaths to progress, otherwise you just have a war of attrition, where the first team who needs to pee loses.

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I don’t quite understand this argument.

Why would Ana/Moira incapable of healing in a way that maintains the time to kill?

If anything, isn’t their raw burst healing better than Mercy?

Great. Nerf mercy then, and have a lower TTK.
Otherwise you end up with a meta, where only one shots are viable.
Wait, that’s already true!


Because why have 1 OP healer when you can have 5?

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That’s a gross overstatement. Moira is good at finishing off low health enemies trying to escape and making flankers think twice about jumping in on the team but she does have anything resembling high damage output.

As a Mercy Player i dont use Mercy for the Rez, she has very high consistent healing and mobility, but if rez is such a shore then treat it like on the pve mode, first cost 20, then 30, then 40, then 50 and so on…or She takes longer to rez with each rez, that way she has to think who she rezes.
I bet that if they remove Rez she would still be picked a lot. two reasons…

  1. she is the best healer, she is the best at that. Master of one, jack of none.
  2. She is beautiful, lots of people use her because they like the character.

yes, thats kind of why nerfing mercy would be bad. Mercys resurrect is a primary counter to the snipers. Do you want snipers to get even stronger by indirectly nerfing one of their counters.