If matchmaker is "fixed" prove it

i swear people play to make the scoreboard look good now

and not play the objective

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So you are mad at matchmaking because people are playing doomfist?

Can someone point me to where blizzard said matchmaker is fixed ?

Me playing Sombra, doing a lot, essentially carrying the team

Team - Spends all game insulting me and me personally

Me playing Ashe, just afk shooting at a Hog who never dies

Team - Not a peep because my damage is fine despite me not doing anything


They never said it is fixed, they did said that it is being consistenly worked on, and they have changes almost everyday.

Obviously people in the forums like to overreact and blame everything else besides themselves whenever they lose.

The matchmaker needs more adjustments? Sure.

But I’m positive that most of the loses are regular loses and not a conspiracy that keeps people in certain ranks.


thats exactly why im asking lol
Ive seen the devs say theyve implemented improvements but ive never seen them say “hey its fixed ecks dee”

It’s fixed though?


Yeah… right… “fixed”…

They be gaslighting players though, for sure.

You kinda have to or else you’re the first one to get blamed when you’re team starts losing.

Everybody knows matchmaking is still total garbage

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It was quite literally complete bs. They claimed that the max skill delta is 1 division but when I queued ranked as a diamond 1 support my co-support was a gold player. Doesn’t sound fixed to me.

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Wait, I’ve been told everyone already knows what ranks they are playing with/against… Now you’re saying no one knows? Lol. Y’all need to get a grip.

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What was the other team’s support?
Thats what theyre claiming to match.

Like i agree that that gold shouldnt be in your game but when they say matching roles they mean on the opposing team.

I dont understand how the matchmaker is so bad i get gold players in master matches and i think they should be there in any situation thats just horrible design i would rather wait 15min and get probably a good and even match than to wait 1-2mins for sh***y match that has ranks from gold to gm and it feels like qp so plz bring back the old matchmaker this new one is the worst i have seen ever and also it would be nice to see everyone’s rank but maybe show the ranks after the match like cs for example

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I think it’s a must.

I also think profiles should be public. My third-to-last game for GM I had a Sym who somehow managed barely even 3k damage by the very last point.

Matchmaking is not fixed.

They keep on letting us know how much better it is, and my bronze brother keeps getting matched against T500s.

Matchmaking, quality of games, quality of player experience are not important. At all.

What’s important is we have new skins that are tied in with a popular anime! Have you seen the skins? Have you seen Kiriko’s new legendary costumes?

She’s got a new hat.

I know you think Overwatch 2 may be unsuccessful as a “game” or as “fun,” but you need to appreciate that Overwatch 2’s ambition is to sell skins - and it’s a brilliant success! Bonuses all 'round!


Ive always thought a really easy solution for this would be a competitive practice mode. You leave QP as the standard gamemode where you just go to play and have some fun. You have competitive practice which has competitive rulesets, primarily aimed at people who want to tryhard without stakes. Then actual competitivd.

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That, but also. Actually different perks. To enable the practice mode and enable folks to not use one to practice on the other.

Take CTF, elimination, Mystery Heroes,Mayhem. All those modes are different from their “main comp mode”. QP should have similar differentiation. I could even argue that QP could be 6v6 with some perks of the open,like tanks hp, if needed.

Create a practice mode for comp and that way at least folks would take comp for what it is

Okay hotshot, sounds like you have some ideas on how to fix matchmaking so let’s have it. Tell us what they should do, obviously you know, right?

Matchmaking is a problem in every competitive team game, the more players you have on each team the harder it becomes to get a perfect match and even when you do, team comps can make them feel wildly out of balance. Better comp, easy stomp. Don’t forget that as well as balancing teams you also have to make it so the wait isn’t too long for a match, so how do you balance that, wise one? Please tell us.

It’s really only an issue in high ranks games, the 4~6 divisions range for gold/silver/plat might as well not really matter.

But D/M/GM/top500 has ridiculous power gaps for one reason or another. At least according to the players in question.

And they will pull further down simply because there is a lack of players up their.

Be it for 90% of us it’s isn’t a major issue.

i wouldn’t say fixed. but its back to OW1 fairness which while not great, a ginormous improvement over google’s artificial outcomes. who ever the current match server provider is, they STILL have MANY server/clients that should be taken OFFLINE for reconfiguration due to its inability to properly load balance players connection facilitating even, fair, balanced, matches. in other words, by reverting to OW1 servers, at least there’s no more stomp streaks. but there are still many active match servers/clients that are not properly configured to handle, balanced multiplayer competitive combat. BUT, at least the current server provider has LESS one sided servers than google. as google has/had even more that were atrociously one sided. resulting in endless stomps. the only issue with reverting is, it appears that the rollback wasn’t properly implemented, based on forum feedback. because players are saying that they can’t select preferred servers as players were previously able to do during the days of OW1.