If matchmaker is "fixed" prove it

Bring back rank icons on display. You won’t cause you know you’re still putting bronze players into diamond games and golds into gm games.


Or just go watch the 1 hour video talking about matchmaking. Where you discussed all of your issues.

You can check this yourself when you q. Also, I don’t believe changes were intended to completely remove the wild array of rank division in the game.
More so to lower the difference between role match-ups and groups.

listen to the 1 hour video where they told us why they can’t fix the game?

sounds like a bunch of excuses why the matchmaker engineer shouldn’t be fired


Im not a doomer but I think it would be interesting to see that lmao.


Or complain about it for 4 hours in here. You do you.

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i come here in between my 4 min que times…

The. Watch the video. In between. It was fun learning about it and seeing how the machine operates. If you watch flats version you get the matchmaking for dummies version too.

1 hour of them trying to justify why trash matchmaking is ok

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i watched it

talk is cheap. fixing the game would be better use of time

but no, every single game there’s a diving doom fist 2 shotting me

the game is just awful to play right now unless you can make good teams


Well yeah doom is almost every game. Because of the event skin for him.

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exactly, very miserable playing experience unless you have solid supports

aka 1/10 games is fun

The matchmaking has their own issues, but the major problem is about what each mode should be and communicate that more easily to folks.

On QP you have casuals, try hards, old players, new players and folks practicing to comp.

On Comp you have casuals, try hards, metas, old players, new players, otp and folks not caring at all.

When you don’t differentiate enough casual and competitive to the point of folks actually see and notice real differences to the point of both not being compatible with each other, you can have the best matchmaking out there your matches will be bad. Due each team rolls a dice about one of those kinds of players for each slot.

Is like pairing casual player with otp then, add a meta oriented player with for fun and on top of it a new player.

If you can find any game that kind of combination works you’re pretty much solving one of the hardest math problems out there, which are the best way to link folks with similar interests at set amount of time based on their patterns per day, time and day in the most efficent way possible.

Please no. We already have the scoreboard, we don’t need another tool for toxic players to give up prematurely

i swear people play to make the scoreboard look good now

and not play the objective

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So you are mad at matchmaking because people are playing doomfist?

Can someone point me to where blizzard said matchmaker is fixed ?

Me playing Sombra, doing a lot, essentially carrying the team

Team - Spends all game insulting me and me personally

Me playing Ashe, just afk shooting at a Hog who never dies

Team - Not a peep because my damage is fine despite me not doing anything


They never said it is fixed, they did said that it is being consistenly worked on, and they have changes almost everyday.

Obviously people in the forums like to overreact and blame everything else besides themselves whenever they lose.

The matchmaker needs more adjustments? Sure.

But I’m positive that most of the loses are regular loses and not a conspiracy that keeps people in certain ranks.


thats exactly why im asking lol
Ive seen the devs say theyve implemented improvements but ive never seen them say “hey its fixed ecks dee”