If I was a developer

it has atleast counterplay

before a teamfight you will know that mercy had already used rez and she can’t use it again for example, even if you wait a whole minute before fighting

I enjoy all of the changes and believe it would be a positive patch; however, the developer comments are just cringe. Brigitte requires “no skill or brains at all…” Like, fam. C’mon, bruh!

Beyond that, I believe some of these characters need a bit more, such as McCree, and do not want the developers caving to whiny Sombra mains, but whatever. Any positive change is a good change.

A couple of things

if brigite shield blocks earthshatter from hitting targets behind her, so would zarya’s?

Doomfists uppercut doesn’t stun, it silences some movement abilities and that’s it

as a McCree main his combat roll’s cooldown it’s the problem, it’s the practicality behind it. You can juke most abilities just with base movement speed alone, you’re typically using it for reloading over most things. The main problem; you have to be touching the ground to use it. Look at my post history for more.

Also if I had it my way, targets would be stunned if they reached red skull charge and you clicked fire, even through shields. But that may be too op.

I think for bastion his ult’s main weakness on startup is that he can’t move. Not armor or health, he’s the only transform ult that is rooted in place for the startup.

genji can move, soldier can move, brig can move ect. He has to stand still for some reason, so I suggest just allowing him to transform while moving maybe.

For torb, throwing his turrets is what. He has to be with them to build them up, having them instantly level to 2 is broken, level 2 turrets are like a 7th player on your team.

She had this in beta. They reduced it because it was WAY too long. The cooldown is 1.5 seconds by the way, but the game shows it as 2 because of clutter.

Mercy’s base kit doesn’t need to be changed. She’s had the same base kit for over a year and she was balanced with it. She only became OP with the rework :+1:

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It has counterplay right now aswell. It can be interrupted. It’s on a fixed 30 sec cooldown so it’s easier to keep track of , so it’s actually better in that regard.

players want more counterplay because its a ult on a cooldown

keeping track of it doesn’t matter because its clearly visible and loud when she tries it, every team fight she just has it. while this change will make her have it less often depending on how you play againts her

Not just a reply to you, but a reply to everyone else who replied to my mercy part, do you want mass res back? I’m not really sure which is better.

Mercy’s weakness back in the day was being a single target healer. That’s where we need another rework that comes in and implements that.

We need Resurrect to be moved out of the base kit because it being along side Damage boost makes Mercy super powerful.

Changing GA doesn’t nerf Mercy it changes her playstyle.

Putting Resurrect as a meter honestly won’t do to much. Sure it will be harder to get a Resurrect but it’s still in her base kit which is just too strong.

They need to be separated.

Yes but no. I do not want a revert. Mass Rez lacked counterplay and was not healthy in it’s previous state.

Tweaks need to be made to the ultimate but Mercy would need an E ability in return.

Such as removing the invuln and having a LoS requirement but in return give her an E ability that shortly amps her healing or something.

I don’t want more and that is not counterplay.

‘Earnable’ rez has been a common rework suggestion that i’d be fine with but the GA CD nerf is unnecessary.

Since mass-rez would be a nerf I guess it would be a viable option going back. Thanks to valk Mercy has no weaknesses anymore and with e-rez the best utility there is. All this together beats Ana, Moira and Lucio by far and creates a stale healer meta.
So going back and tweaking/adjusting things from there sounds good to me. But people dont like hearing it for some reason and act like mass-rez was even more OPAF than the first iteration of valk. Yet it was situational and could be countered which is a reason Mercy saw less play in higher ranks.

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it enables you to have more counterplay actually, maybe you don’t want more but majority wants something done with mercy or she will continue being the best forever

I can feel so much bias and hate with some of these dev comments lol also I dont agree with half your changes but carry on

You can call this whiny bias patch #33 where u kill the game to save your own weak hero pool. O wow McCree got no nerf to compensate! What a surprise.


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Please elaborate, I’m looking for feedback, not just “I disagree”.

That is feedback. You’re introducing garbage to make your garbage look shiny while making the no garbage shiny

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how? 20 chars chars c

There was counterplay to mas res, you would either target the mercy to bait the ult or kill her, or you could save your ults until the enemy mercy reses.

The E ability is an interesting idea, I think I’ll add that.

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Yup, I totally agree with that counterplay.

The problem is that outside of the pro scene, it was hard to consistently outsmart the Mercy and I think the only way it could ever potentially come back is with some mechanical counters :slight_smile: