If I’m Diamond, why is my tank gold?

Almost as if nobody wants to play tanks or something

ive actually seen a few of these. and tbh i think these people specifically are being boosted by a combination of meta and the new matchmaker.

kinda like how brig boosted some golds into GM, or how season 4 made it so you could afk and mass rez on mercy too skyrocket in rank.

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I’m convinced they have tremendously loosened the matchmaker so that they can have lower queue times, and everyone is suffering for it.


If I understood the gist of the matchmaking blog post that dropped earlier today is that the current MMR system totals everyone’s MMR together to a nice number and tries to put that same total MMR against you. How they choose what MMR I think is based around tanks.

Meaning if one team has a higher total of DPS players their tank might have a worse rating where as your team with the lower DPS rating would have a higher ranked tank. The actual name plate they have for you to see (ex gold/plat) even on your profile has zero bearing over where your true MMR is.

If you read this forum post from Blizz:

I think this alone might provide you with some answers to ur question/s.

The Blizzard blog post said new players should be in bronze 5 if I’m not mistaken. But I just had a game (I am Plat 2 support) where 2 I confirmed through their public profiles are new and unranked. After the game all 4 left at the same time so I assume they were a stack.

Tank was Orisa/Winston - 8 Elims and 9 deaths
Support was Ana/Lucio - 6 Elims and 13 deaths 7k heals

For context the enemy team:
Tank was Sigma/Orisa - 31 Elims and 5 deaths
Support was Kiriko and Moira 7/35 Elims 3/5 deaths 10k heals each

The game felt completely unwinnable and a waste of time.


Short answer, ranks are all hidden. Long answer

In OW1 I remember I queued tank for the first time in over a year for a change of pace. My SR was low plat on tank and it stuck me in a gm/top 500 lobby. My peak was like 100sr into diamond on DPS.

It’s safe to say we got absolutely dominated, my team didn’t blame me though and were nice meanwhile the whole enemy team was BM’ing in the chat like it’s somehow my fault the game stuck me in a match 2k+ SR higher than where I should’ve been.

The matchmaking is non existent right now. I had a game yesterday where one of the enemy supports was grandmaster and everyone else was in the silver-plat range. That support pretty much carried the entire match. I would rather have longer queue times than deal with this “matchmaking”.

There is a two rank discrepancy in Competitive that makes it so you can get paired with either two ranks below or two ranks higher.

Think their reasoning is for queue times to be shortened, but what they didn’t realize is that it makes it unbalanced as heck.

Oh, they knew. They just do not care. As long as it does not disrupt skin sales it is not a huge problem. Queue times WOULD. It is obvious where their priorities lie.

I don’t think that’s really the reason, people whined and complained about queue times constantly in OW1, so they made this shoddy solution.

Why did they not do it in Overwatch 1? Because skins were not on sale. Occam’s razor, fam.

Blizzard’s matchmaking is based off of MMR, a number that only they see. The pretty icons they give you for your ranks right now are just that, pretty icons.


My game the other day, 3600 support on their team playing dps.

We had an unranked / gold dps and got rolled. The excuse was that that’s his support SR and not dps.

He was playing Ana and Bap, you can’t get to that level without way above average accuracy and game sense that will transfer into playing dps.

It was a complete shut out. A push map that I just gave up playing after 3 minutes and let them cap. And this was in comp.

Why do changes in OW1 when you have OW2 coming really, it’d just be another thing to transfer, plus, it’d be weird to mess with people in OW1 on how the matchmaker works versus just doing the change in OW2 which is where people expect major changes.

I would agree if Overwatch 2 was not just a patch…

Ideally, I feel the hit Overwatch took during the dark ages fettered the potential of the “sequel” and queue times were a huge contributory factor. But I am not a business expert. Blizzard is. You can really tell.

Welcome to EOMM

Blizzard just cares about your money, not your enjoyment.

It’s the real reason the hid borders and ranks - A lazy way to “fix” queue times since they removed a role. At best, it seems to try and give each team the same amount of crappy players…but some can do better with good teammates, while others are utterly useless and you’re going to lose almost everytime.

You might as well just flip a coin because it doesn’t matter how well you play if you’re a Support main. Sometimes you just can’t play well because your teammates are so braindead that they are impossible to keep alive.

I think they only pay attention to net SR. If you’ve got some 1 SR trash but a 3,999 SR player it’ll say you have a 2000 sr team. There’s probably a limit on how far SR can go from the average on the team so that example won’t happen (probably). If there was a limit on how far they can be from the average I bet they increased it and that’s why queue times are much lower.