Owl doesn’t equal meta either but that’s the logic you’ve been using
I agree, however that still doesn’t mean she isn’t broken. She is
I would say the support roster is broken and not Ana
We arent because its Ana and she’s technically holding a sniper rifle so she gets a free pass even though her hitboxes are very forgiving and her most powerful ability is a splash AoE that’s guaranteed value regardless of if you hit an enemy, ally, or both.
And I would disagree. The sheer amount of things that she does in a single bionade is broken. You can’t compare, say, a lucio who is tethered to his team to provide any benefit, and who gets one benefit at the expense of shutting off the other down to Samta’s entire bag in Ana and claim that is is both of them.
On paper I agree, but the reality looks different.
Personally I would say most of the support roster is balanced atm. If Ana is a clear outlier, then we should bring her in line. Buffing everyone up to her level is precisely how all of this heal creep and support drama nonsense started waaay back during Triple Tank 3 and a half years ago.
Going to need more context. I get the feeling you were specifically looking for massive purples that immediately led to a team wipe, when simply getting a single purple on the right person at the right time can singlehandedly decide the outcome of a fight, even if the fight doesn’t immediately end because of it.
You can sure derive clues from it, though. Ana has not been touched in ages and she has been top pick since the beginning of time.
They’ll never admit that and you know it
AOE heal and strong self sustain was the big issue
Heavy sustain was also the problem of Sig and Orisa
Ana got nerfed back in the days and we had no problems regarding hyper sustain because of Ana. So it’s really hard to imagine that Ana is responsible for the sustain creep since GOATS
Ana is responsible for a kill and that’s why nade should be considered OP?
Dear Widow, Hanzo and Mashe you are OP and broken and oh don’t forget DF
I wasn’t only looking for fat nades (which according to many Ana haters happen very frequently) I also was looking for very impactful offensive nades, but these are really rare too
But apparently it definitely means something when they nerf McCree
Just like Widow and Ashe, she is a sniper, so she will never get any meaningful nerfs. If anyone wants proof, just look at the last Experimental Card, Ashe and Widow got some of the most meaningless nerfs in that entire patch
This thread pickrate argument is dumb. The reason why Ana pickrate is high is because the current META revolves around Roadhog, who Ana hard counters. If you are are not using Ana to counter Roadhog with her anti-heal, you’re severely handicapping your team from killing him. Sure you can use Damage Dealer to deal with him using CC, but they are all within his combo range so there are risk. Range hero can’t kill him fast enoughsince he can hide behind a corner and heal up.
Road hasn’t been a top pick for nearly as long as Ana.
In this one specific meta, sure, you have a point, but that doesnt excuse the rest of the year she’s been up there.
What about the past almost two years where Ana was the most picked healer?
Would you prefer Bap or Moira as the top tier main support?
If we get Moira the forum will be full of “low skill screams”
It wasn’t two years. She was consider a throw pick until the recent buff to her ultimate.
She became high pick rate was due to the META. Against double barrier, she is able to cancel Stigma ultimate using sleepdart, same as Roadhog ultimate. I don’t think I have to explain about the nanoblade META. Even during the goats era, she was one of the three use to counter the large amount of healing sustaining the goats. If we look earlier, Hanzo was nerf due to the damage boost gravdragon era where damage boost dragon out damage Zanyetta ultimate.
She was used a lot because she enabled many META with her ultimate or counters many of the META with either her sleepdart or her anti-heal.
During those META, the other healer did not fit into many of the META. Moria/Zenyatta only work during GOATs era, and Mercy only work during boosted GravDragon. Baptise was during Bunker. Lucio work whenever Reinhardt is META.
It was the entirety of GOATS on ladder, bunker besides the five mins Moira was good, double barrier besides the five mins Baptiste was good, and now. GOATS started in 2018.
I never really had a problem when Zen and Lucio were the best, especially because when it was the two of them, it was so skill intensive that most of us could just play whatever without much consequence. Bap wouldn’t be bad either imo.
But honestly, generally speaking, I’m fine with Ana being up top. What I’m not fine with is Ana being almost twice as good as 2nd place on average, however. Yes, someone will always be the best, but they don’t need to be that far ahead.
I see, I was mistaken then.