If heroes were pokemon [game]

i just had an idea!
turn a hero to a pokemon!
Type -> insect/light
Weight -> 35 pounds
Race -> egirl

Evolves from normal skin mercy to either winged victory (feet skin) or demonette skin (tail skin)

noodle beam -> mercy attaches a noodle beam to a friendly pokemon healing him for 50hp. can heal pokemon in pokeballs.

pee gun -> shoots a stream of suspecious yellow water dealing water gun damage.

ga -> mercy evasion increases by 100% for 1 round.

whats your pokemon hero?


Type - > Killer
Weight -> 1 million tons
Race -> Evil

Super punch: Instantly knocks out any pokemon, even those still in their ball

CC: Stuns Pokemon for 2 turns

Shield gain: For every point of dmg, gain 2x shield

Escape: Goes into the air and slams back down, instantly healing him to full hp .


Type -> Insect/Metal
Weight -> Several tons
Race -> Giant beetle cow

Evolves from OR-14 to normal Orisa


Fusion Shot -> Shoots green fusion things, high damage but low accuracy because they’re slow

Fortify -> Increases defense dramatically for one turn, protects Orisa from any negative status effects

Supercharger -> Increases attack for 2 turns, effective but low PP amount

does that exist in real pokemon ?

and then to the beetle one

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Type - Steel Fairy
Species - Kawaii
Weight- Depends on how sweaty he is

Abilities :
Mada Mada- Forces opponents to use attack moves for 4 turns
I Need Healing- An opponents and allied pokemon lose all PP for healing moves
Ryuga Waga Weeb Weeb- Any pokemon that can’t speak Japanese faints instantly
You need healing - Trainers can never use healing items/skills again


Holy Moly

No, I just made it up…

(Crucify me if you will, I don’t actually know all the types)
Maybe shouldn’t of said that…

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Are these translated from a different language’s types? In the English version insect is Bug and I assume light is Fairy.

Type- Light
Weight- 120 Ibs
Race- Indian

Evolves from default skin to Oasis


•Car Wash- Enemies are lured into Symmetra’s turrets and take 80 dmg

•Hard Light Illusion- Symmetra makes a hard light copy of herself to block incoming damage for 3 turns

•Blame the Symm- Symmetra takes damage from people calling her delusional, and that she has a mental disorder because you’re trainer picked her. She gains +500 strength from receiving such idiotic remarks.

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Insect and metal aren’t freaking types

It’s bug and steel

from french ye

pokemons are animals, find her an animal
a beever? thats how ir called i think those furrys who eat wood

who gives a moira orb?

Symmetra would not be a beaver lol, you said E-girl for mercy so I assumed anything is fair play haha

Every time she evolves her complete kit changes as well. The only ability that remains is Blame the Symm.


Brig: is a magikarp.

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