If gold is a low rank

what the heck is silver? Am I just hot trast?



20 charactersā€¦


oh God am I sad now :pleading_face::cry::sob:


ur new to the game so it doesnā€™t mean anything
there are a lot of people who hate this game cuz of its elo system and toxicity, if you manage to enjoy playing the game with strangers/friends and communicating you are already among the nicest players


Well gold is middle of the pack pretty much. Itā€™s not low, itā€™s average, around 2200-2600 is the middle as far as I remember from past data.

However, new players often get placed in or around gold too as itā€™s the middle before starting to drop down so you might see some Silver or Bronze players in Gold before they drop, if they just placed for the first time. :slight_smile:


The only ā€œnot low ranksā€ are masters and GM. My metric being, every other rank allows you to lose five games below the cutoff before being demotedā€¦

Gold isnā€™t low per seā€¦ Itā€™s ā€œaverage.ā€ And there are degrees of average and then thereā€™s also above average :woman_shrugging:t2:

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And after 2500 hours and 6000 comp wins Iā€™m <500.
Iā€™m just so bad, they need AI to desribe how bad to other AI that can describe how bad I am to normal bronze humans.

I guess I just never showed up for work, but collected paychecks anyway.
Just like half their staff.

Gold is the largest player base group.

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Yes you are trash. When you get good you will rank up. until then enjoy low elo

Gold isnā€™t low rank. Its average and that is fine.

If youā€™re okay being averageā€¦

The problem with using the term ā€œaverageā€ in regards to rank is that there are two different schools of thought behind it. The mathematical & the realistic approach. I personally say both need to be taken into account, not just one or the other.

Rank icons are a virtual barrier splitting people into brackets. A certain percentage of the player base being in each bracket isnā€™t very useful when each bracket doesnā€™t have a hard definition to the skill level required to achieve it. Additionally, there are 8 brackets & theyā€™re not all consistent with each other. Bronze is 1500, silver/gold/plat/diamond/master are all 500, GM is 1000, & t500 is a mini-bracket wedged into the lid of GM thatā€™s limited to just 500 people.

Gold is actually likeā€¦ the average ranking tbh. Like itā€™s not bad, but you wonā€™t find god tier gamers in it. Despite what ppl may say, platā€™s at an above average ranking.

Youā€™re only level 58, and I assume actually a new player and not a smurf. So landing in silver isnā€™t a bad thing- when I started, I was in bronze. And in like 4 seasons I climbed to diamond. Kinda stagnated in plat bc I stopped playing as much, and my peak SR is 3400-something.

Youā€™ll climb eventually, just gotta get used to the game and give it time.

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A male who is 5ā€™5" is short. They arenā€™t ā€œnot shortā€ just because theyā€™re taller than someone who is 5ā€™3".

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Gold-plat is the average skill of the playerbase, diamond slightly above average, masters above average, and every 100 SR past 4k are basically whole ranks by themselves.

Important thing is that you have fun. If you want to rank up, you can, but I had way more fun in this game when I was silver/gold and not trying to rank up than where I am now.

If silver is trash, what is bronze?

Well, to expand on your kind of terminology and disdain for those ranks, you could call Bronze radioactive waste! And going further:

  • Plat would be average
  • Diamond would be above average
  • Masters would be high rank
  • Grandmasters would be "treasure"
  • Top 500 would be a few gems
  • While pros are fat stacks of cold hard cash!

If you ask me, that is so much more inline with our communityā€™s mentality and far more descriptive and interesting than Blizzardā€™s yawn-worthy description of the numeric ranks as being 1000-1499 = Bronze, 1500-1999 = Silver, 2000-2499 = Gold, etc.!

Just cold, bronze is hot :slight_smile: :laughing:

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Hilariously enoughā€¦ Being Diamond and above puts you in the top 14% of all Overwatch players in NA.

So while yes, gold/Plat is average, itā€™s consistent that 23xx-24xx is actual average and the higher you climb the deviation of average gets largerā€¦

Edit: Thatā€™s also based on 2018 stats. So even by todayā€™s metric. Being Diamond and above is probably top 20-25% of the player base. Still well above average.