Then how does one explain the reason behind the Mercy rework?
According to the requirements behind what makes a hero “balanced” and “fine as is” I am still left in the dark as to how a hero who had a below average win rate, was mechanically “balanced” in theory was still given a rework due to “not being fun to play against”?
I’ve been scratching my head on this issue in particular with the new argument against Mercy’s current state as “She’s fine. She doesn’t need to be changed.” Yet… She kind of was “fine” in 1.0 without invulnerability.
So… has the narrative on “balance” changed then with our heroes? Are we to only apply what is “unfun” based on our own agendas and using “statistics” only where it is convenient? I won’t go here and say that reworks aren’t necessary when a new hero is in truly in need of one, but I will say that the rework given to Mercy, that made her a must pick and must win hero for 5 months, was completely unnecessary, and doesn’t make a lot of sense when put up against the “hero is fine, fun is subjective, look at the stats” argument when in hind sight, Mercy 1.0 did just that.
~Sincerely Yours xoxo,
a Lover of True, Fair, and Fun Balance.