If Beta queue times are replicated is OW2 doomed?

Consistently throughout beta on console my queue times for tank and DPS are about 15 to 20 min. If it is like this at launch will the game survive? Do video games with long queue times attract and retain new players? What is the outlook?

The new support hero will help a bit but realistically the wait has gotten so bad that I don’t think people will forgo the DPS or tank category for one new support.


Yes if the queue times don’t get resolved then the game is just going to die on arrival.

At the very least they need to ensure that open queue mode is always available both for quick play and competitive on the main game screens so that players have a choice and it’s made clear to new players that they have this option, and that the queue times are likely to be much shorter in open queue is also made clear to new players. Therefore it will be necessary to indicate under the open queue card that the mode will have <1 minute queue times or whatever it is. So that this is clearly understood by new players.


I don’t want the game to die, I love it but I’ve hardly played any other role except support and its a bit concerning. I thought queue times would improve as the beta progressed but sadly they haven’t.

Personally I like role queue but I didn’t expect tanks in OW2 to be so damn popular.


Fortunately the influx of new players with free to play should mean that open queue queue times are more or less guaranteed to be short, at least for all of the new players.

Heh. I saw this coming from a mile away but people laughed at me when I said it would happen.


I expect the next beta patch to homogenize the support role as well so that all 3 roles are essentially DPS.


I guess people want to play the damage roles and tanks are now fat versions of the DPS.


OW2 beta has better queue times than OW1


Absolutely, yes.

Most people will abandon the role queue pretty quickly and just play open queue if it keeps like that.

It’s Blizzard. If they did any good changes that actually solves a problem I’d be surprised.

My prediction is they come up with some stupid new system that does nothing in the long run. (tickets whohooo)


I think once game go f2p and open for everyone q times will improve… for tanks.
I base that on general people mind set of “doing dmg best thing ever” and having more choices of trope for “cool lone wolf hero” (even if you are supposed to play tank solo now) dps will be overpopulated fast, and people will stop testing out new tanks things after few month and go back to their original dps role (outside of doomfist mains i guess since nothing to go back to…)


It’s not that tanks are popular, you need half as many. And you now need a larger amount of supports to start a match. 40% vs 33%. And tanks and DPS aren’t willing to fill for support ( because supports are so balanced and fun!).

If MMOs are anything to go by, not even 1-3-1 will help que times.


I don’t see how the queue times will be the same when it’s a 100% open F2P game with people spread over all the game modes + rewards in play. As I assume the 25 credits in OW1 will be replaced with something and then we have the grind for priority passes.

Being it’s not that supports are bad or weak in OW2, it’s just that the other roles are way more popular in the beta as that’s where all the new content is at right now.


Sorry to break it to you but queue times for DPS players will always be long, that cant be fixed.

if the queue times for TANKS are this big is what would have me worried.
same thing if the support queue is so short


Yeah if they are this bad then the game is doomed. They won’t be this bad though - there will be priority passes and other game modes.

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Hey I’ve got a solution for the tank queues. How about we add a second tank?


Yes it can. Get rid of RQ


thats never gonna happen.

1 tank is faster than 2 tanks.
Old 6v6 system needs 200 tanks for 50 games with 600 players total. New 5v5 system the same 200 tanks is 100 games with 1000 players. Plus it’s just faster to find one tank near a given team’s MMR once that is in place too.

that’s what makes the 5 second support queue a bit concerning.


Pretty much agree with this.

Which is why I scoff at people arguing that “Well a handful of DPS players will quit if they have less impact than Support heroes”.

Like what’s worse, chopping off the tip of your pinky finger, or death?

Clearly both of those have downsides, but it’s completely wrong to say “Well, losing the tip of your pinky finger really sucks, therefore death is a the better option”.


i think for open queue type modes they have to find way to diminish tanks power. maybe no passive or a nerf passive?

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Not going to say high queue times were a bad thing in OW2 but the worry comes in the next beta around supports. New hero and maybe some changes. Queue times are high in the next beta is when things get interesting.