If Ana Fails...Again

The biggest thing I want from her is the passive heal you mentioned. Funny I mentioned the same thing before too of healing herself for each shot she lands on teammates that the thing I want the most before anything.

But everybody says she will be OP even though it takes skill to use her and that the buff isn’t as ridiculous as Mercy 2.0


She’s back for Quickplay. Comp… no. Until she gets a sustain or an minor evade or sleep dart timer buff.

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Ana and Mercy don’t have the same role. Mercy peels for vulnerable supports by flying back healing them and rezzing them if need be. Ana is one of the vulnerable supports that you would peel for. Ana is constantly doing damage, healing,and hitting play making sleeps and nades. Zen Mercy is the meta because Mercy can pocket Zen when he gets attacked. While pocketing Ana doesn’t do much to help her.

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And the direction they’re going has caused them to lose viewers of owl, which is why we’re only now starting to see changes to genji, tracer and mercy. hero’s who have been dominant for far to long. low viewers looks bad to sponsors of owl, which speaks volumes to the design choices the devs make. Stale meta’s and stale gameplay are unappealing.

I agree with you here, blizzard really should use ptr for balance and experimenting instead of just fixing bugs. Seems like everytime something overpowered hits ptr, the community all agree’s it’s broken and blizzard will still push it to live, unless a popular streamer/youtuber/pro goes on record to call it out. Then they’ll fix it right away so they don’t hurt the potential profits they inadvertently bring.

Ana not being top of the meta is fine IMO. She is a hero that has so much utility that if it is to the point where she is the best hero for her role the game wouldn’t be in a good state. With the new Nano I don’t see any sort of big problem with Ana now.

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This is exactly the problem. Not to mention they don’t listen to feedback from people enough. I really wanna see season 3 Ana besides nade come back on PTR to see how it works out.

I made a long post about their backbones for the wrong reasons did you see that post I made? I updated it recently.

I’ve been using ana the whole time on good maps even before her last buff. her anti nade alone is game changing/winning


I definitely like that idea. I think self sustain is more important but barring that a reload speed increase would make all the difference to her numbers. Everytime I reload, one of my team dies.

honestly it’s not even this, it’s that they don’t listen to the right things. If they listened to half of what the forums were saying, the game would be a complete unplayable mess.

Well of course I meant the players who have good ideas and not bad ones and give a good reason why the devs should do it.

Well, even during Ana meta, as wasn’t the most picked healer overall.

That said, the current roadblock to Ana viability is making Zenyatta no longer mandatory.

That way you can run Ana/Lucio again.

Like I said I hope so. Because as an Ana main I’m really getting tired of it.


Rank 1 ana losing in a diamond game because lets face it skill in general no longer carries as hard as it used to.

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It does look at Widowmaker. She gives the value of her skill. Ana doesn’t because they nerf her to an oblivion and now her value for her skill is so low its not worth it. They did this to Ana on purpose and continue to ignore the value she needs when playing her.

This won’t happen. Ana will be the go to pick when Mercy is actually getting bad and she’s now already better than Moira at Master/GM but the pickrates between these 2 will be really balanced.

Imagine just if mercy wouldn’t exist, Ana and Moira would have for sure the same pickrate among main supports

Ignore the youtube videos.

If they were all correct, Sombra would have been nerfed 60 times more on the PTR, the game would be so dead that we’d be unable to talk about it or we’d die, and we’d have hard role select in every match.

Let’s not forget how EVERY. SINGLE. BUFF. is going to bring triple tank. In short, youtubers clickbait. Ignore them.


Well Zenyatta is going to be mandatory as long as there is no other reliable counter to GravDragons.

Well timed Lucio ultimates can now negate Grav/dragon combo it could already before the buff but only if well timed and not damage boosted

Can it?

Grav lasts for 6 seconds, Hanzo Ult about 1 second cast
Hanzo Ult does 300DPS
Lucio Ult burst heals for 750, but has substantial decay

Dunno if the math works on that one.

I agree, you’re right about snipers being the best outlet to carry with atm, what I was trying to say is “skill in general” as in most of the heros aside from snipers who require a great amount of skill to play properly are often not as rewarding as they once were by quite a large margin. Burst healing is unreal these days and there is more shields / damage mitigation than there used to be.

Widow’s damage potential hasn’t changed drastically ever since her 150 body shot and quick scope nerf, theres even more shields in the game now to stop her from landing shots. When considering the meta I think Widow is more popular now because of Hanzo being so strong, he is amazing at destroying shields and great at dealing with all of widow’s counter picks. That along with a well placed headshot which insta kills not allowing a target to receive any burst healing is pretty great this meta.

I just don’t see a reason to pick Ana as often as I’d like to see her when so many shields exist, when you need to heal you need to be able to do so immediately… If 1star healer played by a novice player will perform about just as well if not better in many situations than Ana, why pick Ana?

When the Dragon reaches the Grav it’s only about 3 seconds left of the Grav and with everyone having 950 HP (Tanks more) it’s simple to get away from the grav and to survive the combo. Unless you predragoned and Zarya graved in an exact good spot but this does most likely not happen its always the other way around. It’s also good to run with a Moira so she can heal for 80 HPS the Team mates in the Grav makes it almost safe that you can escape. There are now other ways to negate it than just transendence thankfully. But it requires more coordination though so Zen will still be heavily favored in that case.

But followup damage like Reinhardt swinging will make lucio’s ult not enough though but that’s with transendence the same even without damage boost.