If Ana Fails...Again

What COULD fix her in your mind ?
I don’t really feel she’s underpowered while playing her, but I’m just a Gold Scrub, so what do I know ?

I’m a diamond player who even made a second account to see if I could make it into diamond as Ana and I did. I made masters last season but lost it.

But I made a huge post long ago about Ana’s problems…

Also here’s the link to the an old post I made its a little out dated though…

You can skip to the part where it says the problem with Ana and the solution and reason why for it.

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I agree that Ana needs more in her kit to give her greater survivability. I’ve had a few ideas myself, one that I rather like is a rework to sleep dart, allowing it to be fired as a hitscan shot from scoped mode without breaking scope. If used outside scoped, I think it should work as a sleep grenade, an aoe sleep effect with the same cast time in a radius around her with the sleep duration split between how many heroes it hits. Both of these would require an increased cooldown, but it could really help her to escape when she is being dived by more than one attacker.

or at least give her time to call for help lol

I just want her to have passive healing. I’m tired of my strengths being used for myself. Then when you actually land the sleep dart having it be destroyed completely by 1 damage it sucks.

Her negatives beat her positives…


She will always be in the shadow of the aboniation which is somehow allowed to have 3 of the most potent support tools in the game.

Seriously, if this game had a ban system like mobas do, balancing would be a metric ton easier…

When will the OW team learn from the HoTS team?


That’s because content creators are desperate to shovel out videos so they will over exaggerate and make click bait titles all day long.


It’s funny how the most fun support in the game is left to be bad purposely for the sake of Mercy and for casual play.

My comment may not be true but it sure feels like it.


Mercy is getting a nerf to her healing and she can no longer boost dragonstrike.

This is good for Ana, The other main healers can be a bit more competitive with Mercy and Ana’s nade could see some use against trans now in favour of the soon to be nerfed damage boost. The problem is Ana still won’t heal enough, Blizzard says she has the potential to do the most healing but that’s only on paper, in practice she still suffers greatly when comparing her healing to Moira and Mercy. Plus Mercy has rez.

I think something that would make her heal more consistently without making her burst heal too much would be a reload speed change. I do like her nano change but I don’t think it’ll be enough


Well, I definitely agree with it. :+1:

Also, Ana is hard countered by barriers. Can’t heal though them, nade through them, sleep through them. Can’t even do damage. No other support is countered by barriers as hard as Ana is. And barriers are everywhere.


There’s your first mistake. Stop watching clickbait youtubers.

There is also nothing wrong with Ana. She is arguably one of the most balanced hero’s in this game. Her strengths are incredibly strong and she has weakness to compensate for it. She has a hard counter in Winston who’s barrier makes her useless, which is perfectly fine for the rock, paper, scissors design this game was intended to have. The biggest problem with Ana is balance issues with other hero’s. It’s the same problem with McCree and Soldier. Balanced hero’s arn’t meta. Meta is defined by what’s overpowered enough to work more times than not.

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There fixed it :stuck_out_tongue:

Just because I see those videos doesn’t mean I don’t know they’re wrong. I just get tired of seeing it. It influences bad beliefs on something that’s not true. Also keep believing Ana is ok and that the other heroes will be toned down because it won’t happen.

The game has changed and her so called balanced is very under powered now. Everyone knows it even the OWL League players who are the best of players barely play her.

So yeah…please stop saying what’s not true. You’re part reason of why the devs completely believe she’s ok. Her risk-reward ratio is not balanced at all.

I agree with you here. Reminds me of when everyone considered sombra a support cause popular youtuber said.

It’s already started.

I agree. Now winstons out of the meta and we’re seeing more Ana.

Because Mercy is better in every way without drawbacks and Zen is a third Dps.

Okay lets just make every hero in overwatch as overpowerd and unbalanced as hanzo and mercy. I’m sure the game will still be active next year.


We fix the actual problems.

The buff she is getting is good, but it doesn’t do anything for Ana herself.
What I would like for Ana is(not all of these, 1 or 2 is ok):
Faster projectile on sleep, no windup on her sleep, Ana getting a healer version of Nano when she uses it on a target, a small selfheal whenever she heals a target, faster reload, all abilities going on a 1 sec cd after waking up from sleep.

I would say the nano on self as well as a target and selfheal would be the best for her. But that’s my opinion :slight_smile:


If she also got nano from nanoing someone else, then this buff would actually help her a little.

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This is the devs and we know how they are also when I say fix or buff a character I don’t ever mean to the power of Mercy or Hanzo. PTR never tests anything big like it should…

Ana might be fine after the new buff she received and the Mercy nerf. Just wait and see.

If something has to change is the other heroes not Ana.