If 6v6 is being tested, it needs to be tested RIGHT

That means removing all the class specific passives, except for maybe Kirko and Reinhardt.

Revert hitbox sizes, health, armor changes.

Revert bullet sizes.

Buff up healing (It had to be nerfed to accommodate for the fact an entire giant health pool was missing. It will feel terrible without any adjustment.)

Revert the discord changes to Zen completely.

Get rid of Zarya double shield, remove Reins extra firestrike

These would be very minor changes, but tanks in their current iteration would be completely busted if paired with another tank.

Please don’t put any half measures into making this test mode. It needs to be accurate in a 6v6 setting and not just throwing heroes together in a blender as they are now.

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You can’t change too many variables at once. Let’s start with 6v6 with tanks having open queue hp and see where to go from there.


for proper implementation they gotta just add in the new tank and let it run for a week gather the number and only then see how to adjust stuff and make it viable.

Ignoring two years of powercreep is only going to feed into the narrative that 6v6 was bad.

Take D.Va as an example. She was the most meta hero all throughout OW history in OW1 with 2 seconds of defense matrix for most of it. Now she has 3.5 seconds and she’s not even meta. Plus knockback resistance, 25% headshot damage reduction, buffed armour, more health, less ult charge generation, and so on and so on.

I don’t want to hear that 6v6 is bad because of all the bandaid fixes of 5v5.

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“Power creep: The situation where successive updates or expansions to a game introduce more powerful units or abilities, leaving the older ones underpowered.”

Considering two tanks in OW1 were much stronger than a solo tank is now, and healing and burst damage are weaker, the power level of the game went down from where it was in OW1. Just because a single tank in OW2 is stronger than a single tank from OW1, that doesn’t equate to power creep when the single tank from OW2 has to do the job of two tanks from OW1.

If you want to bring up D.Va as a comparison, compare going against current D.Va or current Winton to going against OW1 D.va and OW1 Winton. That’s 600+500 hp, defense matrix, bubble, and full power healing, compared to 725 hp, 25% headshot resistance, just defense matrix, and 10% less healing received due to the dps passive.

So I creep, yeah
Just keep it on the down low
Said nobody is supposed to know
So I creep, yeah
'Cause he doesn’t know what I do
And no attention goes to show
Oh, so I creep

this is like a different client of OW2, the update is going to be massive

Don’t worry, they know what they are doing… (hopefully…)

Don’t expect anything more than just halving the tank hp.

Their so called tests are useless. Just release it and fix from there.
If you are waiting for a perfect balance, you will be waiting forever. 8 years weren’t enough

You must be new

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Sure you can if it has been tested. Either look at the workshop dudes or revert to the last OW1 patch and just modify the new characters. Not gonna be perfect, but it 100% will be better than current tanks with OQ HP, current passives and everything else that 5v5 requires to be remotely playable while at the same time not taking a huge amount of effort to implement. Hitboxes probably aren’t that big a deal, though, I don’t see them negatively affecting 6v6 more than 5v5.

I said it before and I’ll say it again: the problem isn’t literally just 5v5 vs 6v6. The problem is every change required to make 5v5 work.

Edit: I actually assume they will do it right similar to what I’m proposing. Aaron seems to be aware of most issues and he really seems to want to find out. Call me naive, but that’s just the vibe I got.

I dont think they need to strictly revert everything back to exactly what OW1 was in order for 6v6 to work, but I do agree it needs to be done right and there’s a lot of changes that will be required to do so.

I can tell Aaron right now, that if their plan involves keeping things the way they are now and just doing hero limits or something, the changes are dead on arrival. Tanks absolutely cannot have the same balance in both modes.

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