If 6v6 happens Road becomes more team based or 1 shot back

That’s it, it’s the only 2 options that make sense.

If we get 6v6, current Road would be so useless you’d never want him on your team.

So, you have 2 options, we get old Road back, or he gets reworked to become more team based.

There’s 10 million things that have been suggested by the community, we even got them in an experimental patch once where he healed the people around him.

But current Road won’t work in 6v6, he’s too bad.

If we get old Road back I think they should reduce his hook range


If anyone is interested this is how I’d rework Road for 6v6 so he’s not completely useless or reliant on his 1 shot.

Primary Fire - First shot after hook reduced damage to avoid 1 shot, Spread increases.

Alternatively, you could also just make it so that Road can’t shoot after hooking for 1.2s

Secondary fire - reverted to original secondary fire

Trap (Pig Pen) - Removed

Hook - Range reduced from 20m > 15m

  • NEW - Hook now applies anti healing on hooked target for 2.5s

Take a Breather - Now heals allies within 5m of Roadhog

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6v6 is never happening… OW has already wasted so many years in the development of OW2 a 5v5 game… they will not go back… it would mean wasting 4 years worth of efforts and money.

That was pve, not 5v5. Which they already cancelled.


except…the devs have already said they are bringing 6v6 back


I believe they meant that 6v6 is not going to replace 5v5 as the main mode they balance around. I could see an obvious future where open queue is 6v6. It’s just that would not really require them to fix Roadhog which was more or less the point.

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I responded to the statement that was made

In any case, if Blizzard decides to go with 6v6 as a main mode (and I hope they do) it will happen regardless of how many forum members insist it cant or wont occur


I dont really see the problem, nobody likes the pig in either side so let him be forgotten, same as mauga

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you do realize that when they changed 6v6 to 5v5,

  1. even the basic action to delete a tank from the entire game needed some programming, and
  2. they made balancing changes to all tanks and some with reworks… that also took programming time…

so PVE isnt the only that that devs were devoting their time on. It wasn’t that a day before the launch of OW2, the devs decided to change to 5v5 along with all the reworks and balance changes.

as a test… not to replace 5v5… if they were to replace 5v5 with 6v6 then they would be undoing all the time they spent so far… who knows in what year they started working on 5v5… definitely at least a year before OW2 launched… [not defending 5v5; i don’t like 5v5 coz of its counter swaping issue]

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no forum member has the knowledge and/or authority to legitimately make such a claim

again, Blizzard will replace it if they decide to do so no matter how many forum members insist otherwise

also: as a standard, programmers run tests prior to implementing something for real.

that programming takes time…? you cannot be serious…
every time i come to this forum i am amazed by the lack of understanding that these forum members possess.

if you think that or if you are hoping for that then, you are clearly living in a bubble… you have no idea how much money they will be throwing down the drain… 6v6 as the main mode is not realistic anymore.

this literally disproves or proves nothing… this is just a factually right statement that is not connected in whatever way to my message above… Its like saying an orange is orange in color, when we are discussing the taste of an orange…

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No, to replace 5v5. They are buckling to the content creators, and a lot of people on Reddit and these forums, that are calling 5v5 a failure. They are bringing 6v6 back to test whether it is a viable replacement for 5v5, especially with regards to queue times.

As part of the test they want to play around with loose-RQ (max2/max6/max2 or something like that) to allow a kind of OQ/RQ hybrid, again with the aim of keeping queue times down.

No way they would spend that amount of resources on 6v6 just to split the player-base they have left. That would make no sense.

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They would not be throwing any money down the drain. Software evolves. Old code gets replaced. Old functionality gets upgraded. If 5v5 is not working and 6v6 works better then it would be throwing money down the drain staying 5v5.

To quote someone very knowledgeable in relation to your post

“every time i come to this forum i am amazed by the lack of understanding that these forum members possess.”

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What are you talking about. Roadhog being free to fish for hooks or flank because theres another tank babysitting the team is exactly what he needs to stop being terrible

they will never replace 5v5 with 6v6. They are only bringing 6v6 as a test just to appease the community because there has been an outcry.

We have had new heroes and maps that fit 5v5 better. Older heroes were also reworked to fit 5v5. If they revert then they will need to again devote time on reworks and all the programming. So, not only will they be wasting the money, time and efforts of all these years but, they would be investing them again.

As a company, there is no way they will bring back 6v6. This is just a juvenile dream at this point. Not realistic.

they will be throwing money down the drain… see above why…
going back to 6v6 would mean that they wasted money when they devoted time on 5v5 (including reworks)… plus wasting money when they are again devoting time to revert back to 6v6 plus reworking new maps and heroes.

it does indeed

as they have sad, they are working on it now

as a clarification, everything I have stated in this conversation is entirely serious

programmers do indeed test changes in an application as one of the first steps towards implementing it in the real environment

One doesnt test something without the intention of determining if it can be added to the production environment. As an addition, or as a replacement for some older code

Personal attack noted.

I will only ask once that this cease.


also, I am not living in a bubble

Sometimes old ways are best scrapped in order to move to something better

Cell Phone technology, for example. 3G data was scrapped to move to 4G, at great cost. Then they moved to 5G, again at great cost. The cost of a change is weighed against the benefit. If Blizzard decides that moving to 6v6 overall benefits them…and the cost is included in this valuation…then they will do so

again, if a for profit entity decides that a change will benefit them, they will make said change.

See above regarding personal attacks

not at all

its entirely realistic, actually, as it was the way the game was played for the majority of its existence to this point

in fact, given that they are working on it now, they have already made the decision to absorb a substantial portion of the cost

sorry but i won’t argue with an idealist.
good luck.

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I am a realist, actually

The devs are as they said already working on building the change. This is very, very real, not a guess or idealism on my or anyone’s part

so OW has confirmed that they are changing 5v5 to 6v6 and the devs are working on it? Can you share the article with me, please?? I will apologize right away for my pessimism if that is the case.

Is there not a correlation between color and taste? Scent as well. It’s not super relevant, but it is not unrelated, per se.

There is already a 6v6 mode in arcade where some very skilled people have done the rebalancing and have produced what has been a popular mode and refined the balance over many months. They even set up discord-based match-making and had a load of people playing.

As other people have said in the past, that would be a great starting point for them and minimise the required work to balance.

As for the rest of your claims about wasted money, as a software architect with 38 years in the industry, you have no clue how software evolves and how systems get replaced regularly. Throwing away old software to replace it with new, better software, is not money wasted. In the company I am with now they are on at least their 6th iteration of their UI software, with each previous iteration being discarded once it was replaced. Those discarded iterations were not wasted money or resources.

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