🤔 If 4-1-1 isn't much Fun

Are the devs aware that the vast majority of quickplay games are 4 DPS, 1 Tank, 1 Heal?

And that’s the type of play experience almost any new player will have for the first 5-20 hours, or longer if they don’t go straight into Comp.

And that’s assuming they don’t just Quit the game entirely. Because “This isn’t fun”.

Not the greatest “New Player Experience” one could imagine.

Much less the lack of featured training videos like this one.

(PS, maybe commission these guys some amount of cash to make a cleaner more official version of this, then feature it somewhere, maybe a button in the Training section. And is it possible to launch YouTube videos while ingame, or would you just download the whole video locally).

You’re right, but some new players will of course prefer to play their heroes than filling.


4-1-1 is not fun, no.
Quick Play is where players go to mess around on dps-characters.
DPS is the most demanded role as it is in literally every game on the entire planet.
You can have like 20 dps on a 25 man raid in world of warcraft, but still have a complete excess of dps players in the backlog.

Since players dont get to play dps as often in competitive, they go to quickplay.
Noone takes quick play seriously and thats why everyone demanded competitive mode when it didnt exist in 1.0 of Overwatch - because quick play was trash.

Quick Play is indeed not the absolute best experience for new players.
It is not as bad as Heroes of the Storm which horrifyingly throws players into an absolute dumpster-fire, but it’s still not that great of an experience.

BUT new players wont know what’s happening anyway, so they dont realize what a clownfiesta QP is and they can have fun throughout it anyway. :slight_smile:


Well, RoleQueue would fix that :slight_smile:
âś… [Role Select] Finalizing this concept


The LFG tool already fixed it.

Plenty of QP groups going on. Join one. HF. :slight_smile:

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Even Jeff admits hardly anybody uses LFG. So no.


Plenty of people are using it.

Just because you dont use it, doesnt mean nobody uses it. :blush:

LFG is empty 9 out of 10 times. SA server.

It’s a failure.

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I used it almost exclusively for an entire season.

Doesn’t mean it’s regularly used, especially when one of the top devs confirms that fact.

Open a group. Chances are a lot of groups are already ingame. :slight_smile: They only appear when they’re looking for more players.

People are just waiting for someone to make the first step of opening a group. :slight_smile:

yes they are… and with that they basically agree that the gameplay experience is terrible

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Doesn’t work. No one cares. They just click search because it’s faster.

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Instructions unclear. The screen was empty. Just made a group. Took 40 seconds and we’re playing now. :slight_smile:


As long as it works for you then nothing else matters sweetie.


I’d like a role queue, but honestly I’d just like to flex on team basis depending on mood, map and what they choose and locking me into a role in specific map with specific type of heroes that migth not mesh well with my possible flex picks aint gonna be much better. But still, having 4+ dps every darn game is not helping anybody.

You can’t go straight into comp… There’s a level requirement, new players are forced to play QP first

So Jeff finally makes a statement and you don’t like what he said so you twist it and use it to make the Devs look bad. Classy.

Jeff said that the game is designed to accommodate at least 2 Supports and 2 Tanks. But one of their biggest design choices is to give freedom of players to pick the heroes they want, hence why he mentioned that they reworked Symm/Torb to be more versatile on attack and defense

Just because the game is designed one way doesn’t mean that the players can’t play how they want

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My intention is never to make devs look bad.

I just want the game to be better :slight_smile:

If you want to accuse me of ulterior motives, this thread is essentially just a different angle on “Can we please have Role Queue already?”.
âś… [Role Select] Finalizing this concept

Assuming you want to win, then that’s not really true.

4-1-1 is essentially similar to a psychological “Tragedy of the Commons”.

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Nah, when you can use LFG to immediately get a role-queue via LFG but still go ahead to pretend it wouldnt be used at all, then you’re just making it look like you just want role-queue for the sake of getting your will through, really.

You can win perfectly fine with 4-1-1 btw.
It’s just not fun for the tank or support, because it puts much more pressure on them while also disabling the entire team if they get picked.

A: You want a role-queue.
B: There is a role-queue via LFG.
C: LFG is working perfectly fine and very populated.
D: You know that, but still go ahead to lie about it and act unsatisfied.

Conclusion: There are ulterior motives in play.

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New players are probably more often than not part of the problem, for most people coming off other games where the choice of play style is never held hostage by the prospect of winning, it can take years for a player to learn to suck it up and let someone else take the wheel.